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By Dave Scherer on 2020-04-15 10:00:00

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If the Rock makes an appearance on AEW is he bulletproof enough that WWE couldn’t hold it against him and burn bridges?

I don’t think WWE would be happy at all if he did it, but given he is a megastar I don’t think they would smite him forever.  I also don’t think he would make that appearance.  He is a loyal guy and he knows what WWE means to him in his life.  I could be wrong but I just don’t see him sticking a knife in WWE’s back like that.  Plus, whenever he wants to appear WWE would be happy to have him so there’s no real reason for him to go to AEW.

Any chance we’ll see Roman Reigns on TV any time soon or would you bet he’s not coming back until this pandemic is behind us? 

The way I see it, if he decided to protect his health by not wrestling at Mania, it really doesn’t make sense for him to come back now since it’s the same scenario that it was then.  I believe he will do the smart and right thing and protect his health by sitting out until this passes. I also think he SHOULD do the right thing and sit out.  COVID-19 is really bad for people with compromised immune systems.

Is this recent mouthing off by Ronda a work or a shoot? Certainly sounds like a shoot, but I’ve been fooled before!

I honestly don’t know!  It’s entertaining whatever it is.

When COVID-19 is “under control,” do you expect jam packed sold out crowds at wrestling events again or will events go way down?

I honestly don’t know what to expect.  We could see a bunch of scenarios.  We could see people so desperate to go back to normal that they flock to events.  We could see people being wary at first.  We could see people hurting financially and needing to get back on their feet for basic life and take their time before they go back.  We could see a mix of all of these things.  We are in uncharted territory, for sure.

After learning that Rhea Ripley's work visa expired, do you believe that was the reason she dropped the NXT title? If her visa was not expiring, do you believe she was going to defeat Charlotte at WM36?

I can’t say that Rhea would have won had she not had an expiring visa. Only the NXT braintrust knows that as well as whether that was part of their decision making process.  I think that if she had to lose, they couldn’t have booked her any stronger in defeat than they did.

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