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By Anthony Pires on 2019-11-13 20:31:00

Kenny Omega not being cleared to wrestle was obvious.  Not sure if that shiner is legit or not  No WAY Moxley should be cleared to compete tonight, either.  We got ourselves a genuine squash here with Moxley and Michael Nakazawa. Doesn't even go that far, a paradigm shift and that's all she wrote.  Moxley seems to be assisted by Aleister Black's promo writer, asking for someone to knock on his door, whoops, come out and face him.  How long do you think Omega will be out of action?  You can make your bet by using this bet365 bonus code!

YES!!!! Time for the Dark Order, along with the creepers.  Let's see if Evil Uno keeps the vest on this week.  Marko Stunt and Jungle Boy are taking them on.  Jungle Boy is going to be a huge star.  I completely respect Stunt for living out his dream, but his offense is unbelievable, it really serves 2 purposes.  First, it takes me out of the match ans second, it makes the opponent look so weak having to sell the offense of what looks like a 12 year old kid.  Uno IS keeping the vest on.  I've been a Dark Order fan for a while but the gimmick doesn't fit the style.  The Dark Order, accompanied by mysterious creepers, should be a little more badass than they get presented as.  In ring, they're almost presented as goofs not to be taken seriously.  Crowd is on fire for Jungle Boy.  Stunt falls off the top rope and Grayson has to stand there waiting for him to set up again.  Grayson hit something that I think was supposed to be a backbreaker, missed badly.  Dark Order gets the win.  Uno offers Stunt a chance to join the creepers.  Jungle Boy intervenes and the Creepers go to work bringing out LUCHASAURUS.  BIg Man takes care of everyone. I love the Dark Order but thank goodness Jack Perry was in there to save this match.

Shawn Spears is out.  Tully Blanchard follows him a few moments later.  I think the lights out thing works better if Tully is with him when the lights go on.  It just looks more sinister with Blanchard there.  The Librarians come out.  Oh good.  THIS is what tonight's show needed.  We got a squash, a pretty bad tag team match and now this.  At least Darby Allin is this triple threat match to hopefully salvage something.  Wouldn't Spears vs Allin be so much better?  Allin wants to go one on one with Spears, ignoring Avalon.  Avalon misses a splash off the top.  Exactly who he was expecting to hit is a mystery.  Joey Janela comes out to brawl with Spears.  Coffin Drop by Allin and this one comes to a merciful ending.

Darby Allin takes the mic and accepts Jon Moxley's challenge.  YES PLEASE!

Match was a waste of Tully Blanchard's star power, which is fading week by week as Spears is really making no ground.  I like the issue with Janela and I'm glad it's continuing, but having Spears essentially lose this match hurts him.

Moxley vs Allin is confirmed for next week!

Native Beast time as Nyla Rose comes out.  No introduction  for her opponent, but she's essentially the lamb already brought out for slaughter. Nyla's a monster, which would be a hell of a lot more effective if she were, say, the undefeated AEW World Women's Champion as opposed to getting out of the gate on a losing streak.  Another squash match, but effective as they need to rebuild Nyla (or, just plain build her).

Tony Schiavone interviews Allie, who bears a ridiculous resemblance to Peyton Royce.  Nice job pushing AEW Dark.  Speaking of Dark, the lights go out and it's KONG with Brandi Rhodes.  This will not end well for Allie.  Beat down and Kong takes a piece of Allie's hair as a trophy.

Up next...some star power with Le Champion.  Halfway point of the show and they haven't even mentioned MJF.  Chris Jericho comes out for a promo.  Why AEW won't give Le Champion a thank you is baffling to me.  For the third time tonight, the lights go out.  Cody does his entra...nope it's MJF doing the entrance.  Great touch.  Finally after 7 weeks on TV, MJF is getting to cut a real promo.  He cuts the type of promo where Cody held him back, Cody was disingenuous, Cody never cared for him, Cody doesn't care about the fans.

MJF heard that Jericho wants him in the Inner Circle, Jericho heard that MJF wanted to join the Inner Circle.  MJF gets in bubbly reference for the cheap pop.  They kind of have some odd insult/praise thing going back and forth.  This is getting really repetitive.  This back and forth is really ruining it for me.  FINALLY they hug it out and say what a loser Cody is.  Naturally the EVP comes out and wipes out the heels, which brings out Wardlow, dressed in a nice suit.  He takes out Cody.  Wardlow looks to be the muscle for MJF.  Took a long time to get the point of all this.

Time for PAC vs. Hangman Page.  These guys need to seriously save tonight's show in my opinion.  I understand that AEW needs to throw as much star power out there as they're building so I won't complain about paying for this match 4 days ago.  These guys can deliver a nice brawl.  PAC just hit a dropkick that I swear gave Page whiplash.  Wait, we get the entire Peter Avalon match but we need to go to commercial now?!?!?!  Before the commercial, Page hit his top rope moonsault to the floor.  I'd prefer he only whip that out in a really big match so it's special.  I say the same thing when Charlotte Flair does it as well. They're both special.  I'd like that move to be special.

Is this commercial ever going to end?

We're back and these guy are definitely hitting hard, Nashville appreciates it.  Page's superkick looked NASTY!  Brainbuster on the floor and a buckshot lariat by Page only gets a 2.  Why do these moves, which should be the be all end all, if it's only getting a 2? Somewhere in all of this PAC knocked out Page and hit the Brutalizer for the win.

Backstage brawl with the Young Bucks and Proud & Powerful.  Standard brawl until they come across Orange Cassidy just standing there.  Bucks vs. P&P is a main event program, why introduce low card comedy act to the situation, even if it's just a visual?

I see the brawl is spilling out into the arena during the commercial.  Security guys get taken out.  Obviously Atlas Security has the night off.    Gotta give Nick Jackson props for selling the leg injury from Full Gear.  Matt gets sent through the same stage Ricky Morton got sent through.  Private Party and Brandon Cutler with the save.  

Within 30 seconds of this angle, Private Party vs Proud and Powerful is signed for next week.  Ortiz and Santana will be dedicating their match to the memory of Matt Travis, whose life was tragically taken recently.  I'd like to offer my condolences to his family, friends and fans.

SCU comes out and finally gets back to their pre match shtick.  I just noticed Conrad Thompson in the front row.  

Time for our main event.  SCU making their second defense of the AEW Tag Team Title against Sammy Guevara and Le Champion, Chris Jericho.  Interesting that tonight we get a 60 minute time limit vs TV time remaining. Excalibur just called referee Rick Knox the tag team specialist of the referee crew.  OK.  Sammy is great as the young kid trying to impress the legend.  Guevara just landed hard on his head and we get our customary 9:50 commercial break.  At least Frank Thomas isn't questioning my manhood tonight.

We're back and Guevara seems ok.  Great job by Excalibur telling us that the match will conclude on YouTube if we go off the air without a winner.  I'm thinking the right move here is Sky pinning Jericho to set up a World Title Match on TNT in a couple of weeks.  Way too soon for SCU to lose.  Hager beats the crap out of Kazarian in front of Knox, who sees nothing.  Great exchange by Sky and Jericho, Sky gets a small package for the pin.  Jericho is throwing a tantrum as we go off the air.

Lots to digest on tonight's episode.  In my opinion, a poor follow up to a major PPV show.

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