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By Mike Johnson on 2019-08-02 09:00:00

Brody King has been dealing with an ankle injury.

Headlining the 8/24 ROH event in Atlanta will be the annual Champions vs. All-Stars eight-man tag team bout.  Chase Owens from New Japan will be working the Atlanta event and the 8/25 Nashville TV taping, which may be the final ever event in the Nashville Fairgrounds Arena, although we've heard that before.  Jeff Cobb will be back with ROH after the G1 Climax on the Atlanta/Nashville loop as well.

The promotion is bringing back the "ROH Unauthorized" concept where anything can happen on the show.

This weekend's ROH TV will be the first from the recent New York City taping.

Rhett Titus and his wife recently celebrated the birth of their son.  Our congratulations to the entire Titus family:

ROH has "removed" Amy Rose from her position of timekeeper, building her towards a role as Kenny King's second:

Several ROH stars will be heading to CMLL soon.

ROH is running a one buy clearance item, get two items free at this link.

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