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By Mike Johnson on 2018-05-05 10:00:00

Hey guys first off just want to say amazing job all wrestlemania 34 weekend long for providing amazing coverage of everything from the wwe events to the non wwe events and all the interviews on elite they were great. I give you a round of applause on delivering great content all weekend long. My question is now about wrestlemania 35 weekend next year in ny/nj specifically about roh supercard of honor 13 that weekend. we saw roh break the attendance record with 6,000 Fans in New Orleans last weekend. Where could roh run to keep the high attendance going for the big event in the tri state area? I would think more then likely they run Hammerstein ballroom but that's only about 1500 fans. how amazing would it be if roh ran the Hulu theatre at msg and got about 4,000 fans in there? Wwe isn't running the garden at all that weekend so perfect opportunity for roh to get in there then. Or how about roh running the cure insurance arena in Trenton New Jersey? I know it's over an hour away from the meadowlands NYC area but buses could easily bring fans there like they did with fans to Lakeland in 2017. Like I said it will probably be Hammerstein hopefully with still a big supercard of honor card like the last 2 years but what do you guys think about roh running those other venues? Take care! 

First, thank you for your kind words around Wrestlemania weekend.  We work really hard to try and have as much as possible covered by the team and everyone, whether they were in New Orleans or working from home, put in a lot of hours and effort to give everyone the best coverage possible.

The impression I get from those I've spoken with inside ROH is that they feel the Hammerstein won't be large enough for what they could draw that weekend.  They are actively looking into iotther possibilites.  I don't think the Hulu Theater would be cost-effective.  I also don't think ROH (or anyone for that matter) should run far outside the NYC area.  That's where the fans are going to be.

Long ago, Ric Flair put his NWA title on the line every night for 30 nights. I *think* it was part of The Great American Bash event. But I can't remember which year. Do you happen to have a list of the 30 guys against whom he went during that event?

That was the Great American Bash tour in 1986. Flair wrestled, over the course of that summer, Road Warrior Hawk (several times, so right there, the 30 Man idea was just a story for TV), Dusty Rhodes (several times, including a title loss), Nikita Koloff, Ricky Morton (several times), Denny Brown (on a TV taping), Magnum TA (several times), Cousin Junior (in the Central States territory), Wahoo McDaniel, Robert Gibson, Rick Martel (in Quebec), and possibly others, but I don't have any additional records to support that

Most factions usually have a break out star. Looking back at the Freebirds, I was just curious why Michael Hayes was never a singles star? When discussing stars who never won a World Title, why his name never comes up? Why didn't any of the Freebirds (besides Terry Gordy in Japan) have a good singles run?

I agree with you.  I always thought Michael Hayes was great in the ring and obviously, he was a hell of a talker.  I think it was just a case of The Freebirds finding something that worked for them and made promoters money, so they stuck with it.  I think Hayes could have been a much bigger singles star and if someone with his talking ability came along today, they'd be in th upper echelon of wherever they worked.

I grew up watching Nick Gulas' NWA territory from Nashville with Jackie Fargo, Tojo Yamamoto and a very young Bobby Eaton among others. Do you know whatever happened to those libraries or if there are even libraries to speak of?

I have never heard of any footage of the territory still existing.  My guess is that if anything does, it's just material that a fan with an early VCR may have taped that has never hit YouTube. 

How do you feel about the Cruiserweight Championship climaxing at Wrestlemania to only be on the pre-show? I know you've said in the past that championship matches period should be held on the main stage because of its importance. I agree and for the WWE to put the effort for a long tournament only for it to be seen by half the live audience who are still filing in and people at home who are not interested is a slap in the face. But on the other hand, the audience may see it as a bathroom break or bumper match if placed on the main card and may be beter off as a kick-off match. Thoughts?

I didn't have a problem with it.  Live, the audience was into the match and gave Cedric Alexander a great ovation when he won.  It was the right place for a lower-level brand to be placed on the show.

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