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By Mike Johnson on 2017-08-18 10:00:00

I'd like your thoughts on how you feel the upcoming NFL season will impact Monday Night Raw this year?  Looking through your ongoing Raw audience recap, it seems that the current viewing audience is on par with this time last year, 3.2, 3.3 million viewers, with a slight bump up from Summer Slam.  Then MNF hit and they dipped into the mid 2 million viewers territory.  Given the current product and viewing habits, do you expect mid 2 million viewers again or does it drop to low 2 million? 

I expect that unless a major star takes off and becomes a huge crossover mainstream personality that we will likely see a similar drop.  American TV viewers love their football.

I've read on multiple sites that the WWE network now has everything from ECW, but I don't think that's necessarily true.  I've noticed what I guess would be called older Super Shows missing, like Hostile City Showdown, The Night the Line Was Crossed, Holiday Hell, or even Enter the Sandman.  Any idea on if or when these will be uploaded to the network?

A number of the old ECW pre-PPV major shows are not available as of this writing.  Anyone who is claiming that everything from ECW is available is badly mistaken and may be basing that on WWE statements on their programming that every ECW show ever is on the Network.  While that may be the case for every ECW TV broadcast, there are tons of live events, matches and major ECW shows that have yet to see the light of day on the WWE Network, since they would have to still be cleaned up and have the music that WWE doesn't have the rights to edited out.

I keep seeing articles about how the WWE is trying to save money by canceling a lot of newer shows on the WWE network like Talking Smack or The Edge and Christian show.  So my question is, what will the WWE do to add new content to their network and keep subscribers or bring new people to subscribe?  Do you see them finally uploading older shows like WCW Thunder or Sunday Night Heat to kinda make up for the shows they cancelled?

They will certainly keep adding older content.  To me, Heat and Thunder are the most likely to be added next when they are done with World Class as it's content that the most mainstream fan would be nostalgic for.

Has WWE ever expressed interest in signing Michael Elgin?

I would think they are familiar with him, but have not heard of any specific attempts to sign him.

 From one to ten how would you rate the current state of womens wrestling?

There's going to be a women's tournament on the WWE Network, there's good to excellent matches every week, there are multiple women's championships across all promotions and numerous independent promotions that only feature women's wrestling.  That's a ten to me!

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