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By Mike Johnson on 2023-12-10 00:30:00

After Impact Wrestling Final Resolution went off the air, Scott D'Amore gave a speech to the crowd in Toronto announcing that when TNA returns next year, there will be some changes to the company.

D'Amore noted that one of those changes will see the depature of longtime ring announcer Dave Penzer, who finished up at the PPV.  D'Amore praised Penzer for his hard work over the years, not just with TNA Impact but also with WCW, where I believe Penzer may have been the only person in attendance at every Nitro ever.  

The night ended with Penzer being given an award for all his years of service to the professional wrestling world.

In asking around, we are told that it was an amicable exit.

Penzer took to Twitter to write, "Wasn't expecting that send off. Lots of things swirling in my mind. Thanks for all the great comments. I'll take a few days and make a statement on here."

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