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By Adam Cardoza & Shannon Walsh on 2021-04-08 13:55:00


Jimmy Lloyd's Degeneration F

4/8/21 - 11am

Tampa, FL - Streaming on

Isaac Rodriguez and Emil Jay are on commentary for this early outdoor show to kick of The Collective. 

Match 1: Conan Lycan vs. Gabe Skye vs. American Beetle vs. Hunter Drake vs. Ninja Mack vs. Levi Everett (6-way Scramble)

Ok, I may be really excited to see Kaiju Big Battel’s American Beetle in this opener. Bless whoever is wearing that getup in the Tampa morning sun today. Ninja Mack and Gabe Skye show off their high flying good flippy s*** offense. Lycan smashing Hunter Drake after a great springboard rebound german to Everett. Beetle in to hit a chair-assisted dropkick to Lycan. Gabe suplexes Beetle through the chair.These scrambles are always chaos. Drake with a code red to Skye from the top to everyone on the floor. YIKES. Lycan with a razor’s edged out of the ring, flipping and hitting a pile of chair face first. WTFFFFFFFF. Tower of doom in the ring wipes out Everett. Gabe and Conan fighting on the venue walls, Spanish fly off the wall to a pile of doors and chairs on the floor. JESUS. Mack and Drake going to war, Everett with a butter churn arm breaker to Mack. Standing corkscrew moonsault from Ninja to Everett for two. A 630 legdrop off the top and Mack pulls the pin. Everett is limp on the mat. Ninja Mack wants to do something more spectacular and hits a corkscrew senton off the top for the emphatic pin. Crazy finish. 

Winner: Ninja Mack

We come back from the break as a group of people are surrounding a still downed Levi Everett and helping him out of the ring. OOF :-/

Match 2: Skye Blue vs Billie Starkz vs Rok-C

Starkz owns the opening moments, DVD’ing Blue onto Rok-C for a pair of two counts. Rok-C with a german and float over to a cross face to Starkz. Blue recovers while Rok-C and Starkz battle over a pin to land a few good shots. Rock-C with a low angle rana for two that Blue breaks up. Starkz posts Blue and hits a big hook kick. Rok-C dropped to the apron as Starkz hits a german with a bridge pin on Blue for the pin. 

Winner: BIllie Starkz

Match 3: The Unguided (Ace Of Knaves Matt Vandergriff & Harlequin Of Hate Damian Drake) vs. YDNB (Ellis Taylor & Charlie Tiger w/ Griffin McCoy)  (for the FSW tag team championships)

The champs start in the driver’s seat until Taylor gets them downed onto the hot concrete outside the ring. Tiger tries to capitalize on Drake but Vandagriff in to get it back, distract the ref and get some tandem beating in on the kid. Tiger getting stretched on the second buckle. Ellis in, Vandagriff tries to treat him the same but springboards into a superkick and brainbuster that forces him out at two. Taylor misses a double stomp, walking into a standing dragon sleeper that Drake germans him out of. WOW. Vandergriff up for Pheonix splash for two. Tiger in and maaaad. Running knee into a powerslam for two. YDNB with aa DVD double stomp for two. Tiger with a butterfly piledriver on Vandagriff for another two.  Drake makes the save and hit Tiger with a standing guillotine into 450 splash combo to successfully defend their belts. Really liked this introduction to The Unguided.

Winners: The Unguided

Match 4: JJ Garrett vs. Marcus Mathers

Good technical grappling for position in the early moments. JJ Garrett is staying ahead but Mathers, out of the H20 academy, wants to prove he can hang in this world as well. Mathers gets the wrist and hits some good lucha arm drags and vies out to JJ. JJ catches a moonsault out of the sky and throws the kid to the apron. OW. Marcus firing up with kicks and hits a ace crusher that sends JJ out. Mathers hits the moonsault to the outside this time. Mathers with an air raid crash for a near fall. JJ trips Mathers into the buckles, hits a inside senton for two. Mathers with a corner to corner buckle bomb and dropkick. Mathers kicked up into a moonsault for another two. JJ with a middle rope brain buster for two. JJ tries another inside senton but Mathers catches him into a rear naked choke. JJ fighting it off and runs him into the buckles, flying cannonball, huge top rope splash and the win for Garrett. Good match.

Winner: JJ Garrett

Match 5: Gino Medina vs. El Hijo de Canis Lupus

High-paced good lucha sequences kicking this off, each guy trying to keep up with the other. Medina wants a moonsault off the apron but Canis just donks him legs out from under him. Battling in the front row, Canis with a somersault into the seats. Canis battering Medina around at ringside. Medina back into it with a hangman’s swinging neckbreaker for two. Trading corner attacks, Canis with a superkick and a lariat and both drops. Medina needs a moment, he might be dehydrated....He tries to keep going but he’s clearly unable to continue, failing to get up into a powerbomb position several times. The ref call it off for the safety of the Medina. This is the hard part about working in the heat and I hope everyone stays hydrated through the weekend. 

Winner: El Hijo de Canis Lupus (by Stoppage)

Match 6: Atticus Cogar vs. Tre Lamar

Cogar right out and LaMar topes right at him, throwing him back for the two. Cogar biting the forehead with those silver teeth of his. Tre is staying on Cogar right now, who might have MASADA on the brain for tomorrow night. Cogar with a suplex for two and he goes for his skewers. Tre catches him with the second rope drape and kick to the back of the head. Pele kick and Cogar is down for two. Cogar back with an air raid crash neckbreaker for two. He goes for the skewers again and introduces them into Tre’s skull. Superkick and headlock driver to Tre and that’s the three. Nice.

Winner: Atticus Cogar

Match 7: Jordan Oliver vs. Everett Connors

Connors drip game is on point today, wearing a pile of stuffed animals on his fuzzy sweats today (again, in this hot Tampa sun). Oliver is having none of these games. Tests strength early, working through hammerlocks and headlocks early. Connors being “cute” in the hold has to frustrate Big Breakfast. Oliver just dumps him on his head. Conners dropkicks him out of the ring and slingshots himself into a gut buster from Oliver. Connors taken from the top and Oliver with  a corner dropkick. Oliver stalking and hits a german. Connors with a desperation crucifix pin attempt and superkicks Oliver on the apron. Slingshot double stomp and Oliver tossed to the chairs. Slingshot DDT and stack pin for only two. Both guys exhausted in the sun but they make the 10-count. Trading chops and Oliver with a flash dropkick. Oliver picks up the pin off a second rope cutter. Good stuff here. I love Oliver but this was a great showing for Connors

Winner: Jordan Oliver

Match 8: Juicy Finau vs. 1 Called Manders

BIG MEN SLAPPING MEAT TIME. Manders comes running but Juicy eats it. Trading shots. Juicy with the shoulder tackle. Manders with a hangman’s cannonball and some chops but they don’t do much. Trading shots in the center, Juicy staggered but spears the cowboy. Trading crawling headbutts and slaps as they get back up. Manders tries to sweep the floor but eats a superkick from the huge man. Manders comes running into a Vader body splash for two. Running corner splashes from Juicy. Big running senton shakes the ring but Manders is able to get the shoulder up. Up to the top and Juicy gets back dropped down. Manders with the big lariat out of the corner and Juicy is up! Juicy misses a moonsault from the second. Manders with a saito and a moonsault from the top and Manders takes it!

Winner: 1 Called Manders

Match 9: Myron Reed vs. Dante Leon

Dante comes right into Reed before the bell, hitting a cutter and getting a two as the bell rings. Reed with a hangman’s flatliner for his own two. WELL NOW. Running shooting star from Dante for two. These guys are in each other’s face, trading shots. Battle to the outside, Dante with a rebound superkick. Myron blasted with a corkscrew famouser from the top and he kicks out. WOW. Reed with a slingshot spinebuster and a hook kick. Running forearm, matrix lariat dodge into an enziguri. Reed tries a cutter off the apron to the concrete but Dante catches him and slams onto the apron. Dante with a shooting star cutter off the top for the pin. DAAAAAAAAAMN. This was a crazy high spot fest. Great energy.

Winner: Dante Leon

Match 10: Nolan Edward vs. Daniel Garcia

These two trading right at the bell but Garcia is taking advantage early with his technical throws and aggressive strikes. Nolan doesn’t back down and trade chops with Garcia. Nolan fighting back and firing up, eating kicks and throwing forearms. Nolan gets wrapped in a sleeper and out with a snake eyes to the second buckle. Garcia grabs a headlock and drops elbows. Nolan with a kick to the gut, an axe kick. Garcia backpacks and Nolan cannonballs. Nolan with a swinging blue thunder bomb for two, Garcia immediately slaps on a rear naked choke. Nolan flips over for a two count. With a foot space, Nolan hits a suicide headbutt and Garcia is down for the three. NICE!

Winner: Nolan Edward

Main Event: Jimmy Lloyd vs. Starboy Charlie

Starboy out hot at the bell. Fast tilt-a-whirl and pin attempts. Dodges a big boot, kip up into a pin attempt.  Starboy with a cutter. He tries another but Lloyd has it scouted, Charlie reverse into a moonsault. Charlie eats a superkick but drops Lloyd to the corner and hits a dropkick and tries a 450 but eats the knees. Lloyd misses a moonsault and Charlie hits a corkscrew splash. Lloyd back up with forearms but Charlie with an arm drag and slam for two. Code red for another. Lloyd tries a powerbomb but gets rana’d. Lloyd with a powerbomb and package piledriver finally gets definitively in control but eats a poisonrana from Starboy. Lloyd hits a one-winged angel! Starboy kicks out! Charlie with a tilt a whirl DDT and a top rope 450. They trade roll up pins but Charlie gets the final roll up and secures the pin! Charlie impresses more every time I see him. Lloyd gave a lot here but Charlie was all energy. Good stuff.

Winner: Stayboy Charlie

Shannon Walsh's report on Page 2!

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