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By Mike Johnson on 2020-01-29 15:42:00

The pro-wrestling related musical called "Rockquiem For A Wrestler" by Philip Paul Kelley is moving forward in production and will have a new reading on Sunday 5/3 at the Triad Theater in New York City.   The second Staged Reading will be an elevated event featuring a 5-piece band with technical enhancements.  

The musical is a dramatic parody inspired by the life of Ivan Koloff. 

There will be an opportunity for fans to attend the reading compliments of the producers. .   Further details on that will be released at a later time.

The official website for the musical is at and notes the musical "is about a champion wrestler named IKAN KOOLOFF (I-Kin Cool-Off). A dramatic parody inspired by the legendary wrestler IVAN KOLOFF. The plot centers around Ikan revisiting his past while answering questions during a “Look Back At The Life Of A Legend” interview at a radio station. He struggles with his memories as if “wrestling” with the duality between his quest for success and fame and the price he paid for it. He recounts his pursuits beginning from youth as a reckless teenager ending up an ex-convict to his crazy days as a wrestler which lead to his struggle with alcohol and drugs and ultimately his choice for recovery. The play explores the social impact of Entertainment Wrestling in an age when the public’s hunger, thirst and fascination for spectacle entertainment and reality TV has become obsessive and insatiable. The action moves forward to flamboyantly and spiritedly dramatize his life, encompassing the dangerous, absurd and often tragic lives of wrestlers within the world of Entertainment Wrestling often transporting the audience to being at a Rock Concert."

Kelley's Youtube channel can be found by clicking here.

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