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By Mark Spain on 2008-09-15 01:02:47

Jamie Noble defeated William Regal with a backslide. 7 minute match. Good opener with good work. Wish it had been given more time. Crowd was way into the opener.
Snitsky defeated Hacksaw Jim Duggan with a big boot. Very short 2 minute squash, the perfect length for a Snitsky match.
Santino defeated Charlie Haas with a reverse cross body. Santino cut a promo before the match saying he was looking forward to coming to Jackson, Mississippi (we're in Tennessee) but somebody here had stolen his shirt. Haas then comes out in Santino's shirt and trunks as 'Charlie Marella'. Solid 6 minute match. Lots of heat on Santino.
D'Lo Brown defeated Jack Swagger with a frog splash. 10 minutes. Pretty boring match. Crowd didn't care at all.
Beth Phoenix defeated Mickie James with the chicken wing face plant things she does. 9 minutes. Solid work. Crowd was way hot for Mickie.
Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase & Manu defeated Cryme Tyme & Kofi Kingston after a Rhodes DDT on JTG. 13 minutes. Fun match. Crowd was way into Cryme Tyme.
Rey Mysterio defeated Kane with the 619 in a No DQ match (as voted on by the crowd). 10 minutes. Fun match with a little plunder. Lots of offense from Rey who was super over with the crowd.
Chris Jericho defeated Batista & JBL in a triple threat match. Batista gave JBL a spine buster but was distracted by Lance Cade which allowed Jericho to get the pin. Good main event. Mostly Batista fighting off both guys. Monster pop for Batista. Jericho's right arm taped up for the match and he had an ice pack on it after the show.
Jillian Hall was the "host" for the night. After the first match she was in the top of the building to ask a fan a trivia question but her mic wouldn't work. He got the question anyway and his family got to go sit front row. After the second match she picked a kid out and he accompanied D'Lo to the ring. And that was all we saw of our hostess.
Overall a fun show although it did drag a little in the middle. Building was a little over half full and the crowd was there to have a good time. After show Cryme Tyme, D'Lo and Batista went around to sign things and take pictures. Santino walked over to the fans like he was going to sign then turned and walked away. Arn Anderson was also there.

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