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By Anthony Pires on 2024-05-26 19:54:00

Welcome to’s continuing coverage of AEW Double or Nothing.

RJ City, Rene’ Paquette and RJ City are your hosts for the Buy In.

Daddy Magic, Tony Schiavone and Excalibur have the call.

Thunder Rosa vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Lockup, neither gets the edge.  Lockup, break in the corner, Deonna stomps her. Chop by Rosa. Kick by Purrazzo. Hip attack by Rosa, followed by a dropkick. Arm drag by Rosa, Purrazzo bails and eats a dropkick on the floor. Rosa throws her back in.  Surfboard by Rosa into a top wristlock. Double clothesline both women are down. Open handed shots exchange, Deonna is down.

Running dropkick by Rosa for 2. Roundhouse kick by Rosa, Deonna knocks her off the top rope. Tree of Woe for 2 by Deonna. Armbar attempt by Rosa into a cobra clutch, Deonna snap mares her. Uppercut by Rosa for 2. Fujiwara by Deonna, rollup for 2 by Rosa. Backstabber by Rosa. Rosa goes for the crossface, Deonna with a rollup for the pin.


Dr Martha Hart and Tony Khan come out to announce the Owen Hart Tournament for 2024.  It’s a special year as it’s been 25 years since his passing and the formation of the Owen Hart Foundation.  The winners this year will get World Title shots. The Finals will be in Calgary on July 10th.  The winners get the All In title matches.

Brian Cage & Gates of Agony vs. The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn

Khan and Max kick us off. Lockup, Chops by Max. Khan with a takedown

Billy tags in and he wants Cage. Cage tags in. We have a pose down.

Kick by Cage, into a shoulder block. Cage flexes.

Headlock by Gunn, shoulder tackle takes Cage down. DX chop by Gunn

Dropkick by Cage

Cage and Gunn go over the top rope. All 6 men battle it out on the floor

Toa sends Gunn into the steps and he trips up Bowens.A triple team in the corner by Cage of Agony. Backbreaker on the buckle by Kahn.

Cage suplexes Max for 2

Toa tags in and chops Max. Toa steps on his face. Bowens hasn’t been seen. Hope he’s OK

Suplex by Max for 2

Toa tags in, he misses a splash on Max. Upkick by Max and Billy tags in.

Max tries to help but he slips.

Triple powerbomb on Billy, Bowensd makes the save.

The Golden Knights Mascot pulls a chair out of Cage’s hand as Billy rolls up Kahn for the pin


The Double or Nothing PPV is next.

It’s Sunday! That means we are in Las Vegas for AEW Double or Nothing

AEW International Title Roderick Strong w/Mike Bennett & Matt Taven vs. Will Ospreay

Don Callis has joined commentary.  Ospreay looks for Hidden blade right away and he and Strong brawl. Action spills to the floor where they both chop away. They glare at each other and brawl on the floor. Catapult into the post by Ospreay. Back in the ring, Ospreay hits a back breaker for 1. Taven grabs Ospreay’s boot and the Kin gdom with a Doomsday Device. Apparently this hasn’t officially started. Strong punches away. Apparently the ref os letting the interference go.

Taz is also on the call with Excalibur and Tony Schiavone. Ospreay with an abdominal stretch and Stong hiptosses him.  Strong goes for a crossface but Ospreay blocks it. Chops by Strong for 2Jawbreaker by Ospreay.  Chops by Ospreay. Corkscrew kick by Strong.

Bennett and Taven to the apron. Wardlow attacks but the ref catches him. Ospreay with a sky twister to the floor takes out Taven and Bennett. Bryce Remsburg has ejected the Undisputed Kingdom from ringside. They trade chops. Enziguiri for 2 by Strong. Body slam by Ospreay, Strong knocks him off the top rope. Back elbow by Ospreay he bangs his knee on the landing. Strong with a single leg crab. Upkicks by Ospreay. Cloverleaf by Strong. Ospreay makes the ropes.

Punches and elbows by Strong for 2. Round house kick by Strong. Superplex by Strong into a back breaker for 2. Gut buster by Strong. Powerbomb by Ospreay. They trade chops. Forearm exchange. Dropkick by Strong. Oscutter by Ospreay. Strong is down, the ref checks on him. Callis asks for the Tiger Driver 91. Ospreay can’t bring himself to do it. Backbreaker and running knee scores a 2 for Strong. Rana rollup for 2 by Ospreay. Hidden blade by Ospreay into Strombreaker for the pin.


Las Vegas is very happy for Ospreay

Adam Cole comes out, this is after Ospreay has left. It’s storytime.  He tells Vegas they suck. He’s sick of the disrespect.  He pulls out the devil mask. The lights go out. As they come on we have a video on the screen clearly from MJF

Out comes MJF. He storms down the aisle. They hug. Low blow by MJF into a brainbuster. MJF has the mic. He mocks Cole and demands Cole leave the ring. MJF swears he will never trust anyone again. He says Cole woke MJF up. He’s better than us and we know it. He makes a New Japan and Vince McMahon reference. MJF calls himself a self made man. It’s time to go back to the old MJF. It’s hate, hate, hate. He picks up the devil mask and said masks are for cowards.  He stomps the mask and struts around the ring. 

He says he’s betting on himself. He announces that he is re signed with AEW as he has an AEW tattoo. He’s not leaving AEW!

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