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By Mike Johnson on 2023-09-09 18:58:00

Impact Tag Team Champion Trey Miguel with Zachary Wentz vs. Josh Alexander

Trey slapped Josh at the bell to get in his mind, then left the ring.  They had some damn good wrestling early on.  Miguel gained control and worked over Alexander on the mat.  He C4tried to whip him across the ring but Josh held onto the ropes.  Josh went for a German suplex but Trey kicked him, then backflipped over him and dropkicked Josh in the back of the neck.  Trey cinched on a side chinlock.

Alexander fought back and forth.  Miguel went to the top.  Alexander tried to knick him off but Miguel evaded him.  He was brought into the ring, where Alexander ran him into the buckles on his shoulders and brought him to the top.  Miguel escaped and hit a rana off the top, then a Meteora.  Alexander escaped and went for an anklelock but was kicked out of the ring.  Zach nailed him and tossed him back in.  Alex Shelley ran out and nailed Zach with the Impact title belt, then remained at ringside.

In the ring, Alexander came back with a C4 Spike and scored the pin.

Your winner, Josh Alexander!

Alexander mockingly thanked Shelley for coming out and helping him.  He said he could done that last week or at Emergence.  Shelley told him not to get his signals mixed up, he wanted to hurt The Rascalz, not help Alexander.  Josh said he's taking the belt back at Bound for Glory.

Knockouts Champion Trinity & Awesome Kong & Gail Kim & Mickie James & Jordynne Grace vs. Angelina Love & Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans & Gisele Shaw & Deonna Purrazzo

Lots of big pops for the entrances.  Naomi and Angelina started out.  Love backed her into the corner.  Love knocked her to the mat with a shoulderblock but was caught and slammed.    Trinity nailed her split legdrop.  Love nailed a jawbreaker.  Love was worked over but escaped.  Deonna and Grace tagged in.  Shaw offered in and Deonna let her.  Grace nailed her with some kicks and slammed her.  Grace nailed a jackhammer but Savannah broke up the pinfall.  Shaw accidentally knocked Evans out of the ring.  James tagged in and nailed a Lou Thesz Press off the top on Gisele.

Tasha tagged in and went nose to nose with Mickie.  They battled.  James caught Tasha with a boot to the face. Deonna tagged in but James nailed a series of kicks.  Mickie went to the top but Team Beautiful People knocked her off.  Evans tagged in and rained down with right hands.  Deonna tagged in but James tagged Gail, who came in with a ton of clotheslines and big moves.  Gisele got involved but Kim went to the top and hit a combination lucha armdrag and head scissors.  

Kim was knocked to the floor, where she was worked over by Tasha.  The crowd chanted for Kim.  She was tossed in the ring and nailed with a big sideslam by Love.  The crowd chanted for Kong.  Kim came back to lock in an Octopus on Gisele.   She was rammed backwards into the buckles.  The crowd again chanted for Kong.   Shaw drilled Gail with an evil looking backbreaker.  Kim was trapped in enemy territory as they all kept stomping on her.

Kim finally fought her way out and tagged out to Kong. HUUUGE POP.  Kong cleaned house on everyone and faced off with Evans.  Evans fought out of a chokeslam and went for one of her own but was hit with a backfist.  Kong grabbed her but everyone attacked Kong.  James and Trinity hit the ring and nailed stereo Thesz Presses.  Trinity hit a dive.  They went into a big dive sequence.  Evans cut off James but was drilled by Grace, who used Kim as a weapon.  Kim hit a big bodypress to the floor on everyone.

Kong was left with Gisele who she destroyed with a backfist and a chokeslam.  Kong nailed the Impact Buster and scored the pin.

Your winners, Knockouts Champion Trinity & Awesome Kong & Gail Kim & Mickie James & Jordynne Grace!

Absolutely great match.

They brought out Dave LeGreca to be the ring announcer for the final match.

Impact Wrestling Digital Media Champion Tommy Dreamer & Rhino vs. Brian Myers & Moose

Smart to use Dreamer to send everyone home happy tonight.  This is Rhino's first Impact match since April.

Huge ECW chant after Dreamer's introduction.

Dreamer knocked Moose to the floor.  Rhino nailed him and Myers.  Dreamer teases a dive but instead steps off the apron and nailed them.  Dreamer gets caught with a Myers kick after Moose grabbed his leg.  Moose and Myers work him over fo some time.  Moose worked over Dreamer, nailing a series of right hands.  Dreamer fired back with some clubbering blows  and made the hot tag to Rhino.

Rhino cleaned house and drilled Myers with a series of elbows.  He set up for the Gore but Moose nailed him.  Moose and Myers worked him over but Rhino gored Moose.  Dreamer returned to the fray.  Rhino gored Myers and scored the pin.

Your winners, Rhino and Tommy Dreamer!

Just a dark match to send the crowd home happy.  This was basic, fun stuff.

Thanks for your support of!


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