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By Richard Trionfo on 2020-10-21 22:00:00

We go to the Garganos and he says everyone knows he hates wheels.  Candice says they need to practice in case they have to spin.  Johnny wonders what is the worst that can happen.  Johnny spins on a Buried Alive Match.  Johnny asks what are the odds of that happening?  One in a million.  Candice says One in Twelve.

Candice spins a Trick or Street Fight.  She says she is undefeated in Street Fights.  Johnny spins again and gets a casket match.  Johnny says this is too unpredictable.  Johnny says he hates the wheel and leaves.

Drake Maverick skips in the back and Dain gives him the death stare until Drake stops.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Six:  Killian Dain and Drake Maverick versus Chase Parker and Matt Martel

Parker and Maverick start things off and they lock up.  Martel tags in and he kicks Drake.  Martel with a back breaker and Parker with a running boot to the head.  Martel works on the arm and Parker tags in and punches and kicks Drake.  Parker with a forearm to the lower back.  Martel tags in and Irish whips Drake and Parker tags in and hits Drake with a foerarm in the back and Martel with an elbow off Parker's back for a near fall.  Dain makes the blind tag on a belly-to-back suplex attempt.  Drake is sent to the floor and Dain hip tosses Martel into the ring.  Dain with a clothesline to Martel followed by a cross body to Parker.  Dain gets Parker up and Martel with a chop block.

Martel chop blocks Dain again.  Parker with a single leg crab on Dain while Martel tells Drake that Dain is a loser just lik him.  Drake punches Martel and sends him into the fencing.  Martel sends Drake into the fencing and he hits Martel with the chair.  Drake hits Parker with the chair and the referee calls for the bell.

Winners:  Chase Parker and Matt Martel (by disqualification)

After the match, Drake realizes what he did.  Dain backs Drake into the corner and he tells Drake that was awesome and the best thing he has seen.  Dain wants to know where has that guy been.  The Shiny Happy Music plays and Drake starts to dance but Dain will do almost anything for Drake, but he won't do that.

We go to the back and Roderick Strong is down and officials check on him.

We are back and William Regal wants to know what happened.  REgal says he promised a tag title match.  Kyle says they should give the match to Oney and Danny.  Danny suggests that Kyle use one of them as a tag team partner and then Kyle says you do it and he leaves.  Regal asks Fandango and Breeze if they are okay with it and the match is on.

Match Number Seven:  Xia Li vesus Kacy Catanzaro (with Kayden Carter)

They lock up and Li with a take down.  Kacy floats over in the corner and Kacy with a drop kick and splash for a near fall.  Li with a hip toss and chop.  Li with a back heel kick for a near fall.  Li gets more near falls.  Kacy avoids Li and Kacy with chops and punches.  Catanzaro kicks Li.  Kacy with a clothesline into the corner.  Kacy with a somersault leg drop.  Kacy with a victory roll for the three count.

Winner;  Kacy Catanzaro

After the match, Li attacks Catanzaro and kicks her in the corner.  

Raquel Gonzalez attacks Le and then press slams Catanzaro into Carter.  Gonzalez with a power bomb to Carter.

Raquel Gonzalez tells Rhea Ripley this is what awaits you.  I am bigger and stronger than you.  I will take care of you at Halloween Havoc.

Cameron Grimes is in the back and he is asked about his match against Dexter Lumis.  Grimes says he will stomp him here, there,and everywhere.  McKenzie tells Grimes it is a Haunted House of Terror Match and Grimes is shocked at the announcement.  Grimes asks if we heard Regal properly.  Lumis shows up behind the door behind Grimes.  Grimes says he is not afraid of Lumis and he has beaten him before.  Grimes says he is going to the moon.

We go to commercial.

We are back with an Io Shirai video for Spin the Wheel Make the Deal.

Timothy Thatcher is in the ring for Thatch As Thatch Can and tonight's lesson is success.  You need aggression and show no mercy.  Timothy is in the ring with his student Anthony or Andrew.  Thatcher tells Alex to take his leg.  Thatcher shows how he blocks the take down.  Cut the bone against the cheek.  That damages the neck and turns it at an awkward angle.  He wants to see some aggression and he tells Alex to go for the leg.  Thatcher says he uses his own momentum to take him down and he rolls him over.  He tells you to look at the angle and he is already tapping.  He says he can take it further.  

Thatcher says with a double wrist lock if you have him in a dangerous angle there is no way to escape.  Thatcher says he cannot take his leg so he tells him to take the wrist.

Anthony with a single leg take donw and he applies a double underhook.  Thatcher asks if he is a tough man and wants to be a big man.  He asks for a referee to come into the ring.

Thatcher talks to the referee and he connects with a forearm and tells the referee to call for the bell.

Match Number Eight:  Timothy Thatcher versus Anthony Greene

Thatcher with kicks and forearms. Thatcher with a European uppercut and he applies a single leg crab and kicks Greene in the back.  Greene taps out.

Winner:  Timothy Thatcher

Thatcher kicks Greene out of the ring.

We take a look at Damian Priest as he gets ready for Halloween Havoc.  The difference between you and I is that when I am done with business, I move on.  You can't do that.  You are just as great as you ever were.  What has changed is that I am here.  A wheel will determine our match.  I can take the pain, can you?

Match Number Nine:  Tyler Breeze and Fandango versus Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan for the NXT Tag Team Championship

Lorcan and Fandango start things off and they lock up.  Lorcan with an arm drag.  They lock up again and Fandango with a side head lock.  Fandango holds on to the side head lock when Lorcan tries to send Fandango off the ropes.  Lorcan with an arm drag take down but Fandango with a side head lock.  Fandango with a shoulder tackle.  Fandango avoids a leap frog and chops Lorcan.  Lorcan with an Irish whip and Fandango floats over and goes for a sunset flip but Lorcan counters into a single leg crab.  Fandango gets to the ropes to force a break.

They lock up and Lorcan with a European uppercut and Fandango with European uppercuts.  Burch tags in and connects with a European uppercut and works on the arm.  Fandango with a backslide for a near fall.  Breeze tags in and he kicks Fandango.  Breeze with a suplex for a near fall.  Breeze with a reverse chin lock and he sends Burch into the corner.  Burch fights out of the corner but Breeze with shoulders.  Breeze chokes Burch in the corner.  Burch goes to the floor and Burch with a shoulder and European uppercut.  Burch hip tosses Breeze into the ringside barrier.  They return to the ring and Breeze wrings the leg into the ring post.  

Breeze wrings the leg into the ring post again.  Burch gets away from Breeze and tags in Lorcan.  Breeze with a drop kick and Fandango tags in.  Fandango with a punch and hard Irish whip.  Fandango gets a near fall.  Breeze and Fandango kick Lorcan in the ropes and Breeze gets a near fall.  Burch tags in and he applies a front face lock.  Lorcan tags in and hits a European uppercut for a near fall.  Burch tags back in and Fandango with a clothesline and he takes care of Burch as well.  Fandango with punches to Lorcan and Burch on the floor.

All four men battle on the floor and Lorcan goes into the ring and he goes for a suicide dive but Breeze with a kick to Lorcan.  Burch sends Breeze over the ringside barrier.  Fandango with a Falcon Arrow and he goes up top and hits a leg drop for a near fall.  Fandango with a front face lock and Breeze tags in.  Lorcan sends Fandango to the floor and then Lorcan with a single leg crab and Burch with a crossface but the referee tells Lorcan to get out of the ring.  Fandango sends Lorcan to the floor.

Breeze with elbow drops to the leg.  Burch with a Tower of London but Fandango sends Lorcan onto Burch to break up the cover.  Breeze and Fandango with super kicks to Burch and then to Lorcan.  Fandango goes up top but Fandango is pushed off the turnbuckles by a masked man.  Burch with a low blow to Breeze and Lorcan and Burch hit the elevated DDT for the three count.

Winners:  Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan (new champions)

The masked man comes into the ring and hugs Burch and Lorcan after their victory.

He removes the mask to reveal it is Pat McAfee.

We go to credits.

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