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By Richard Trionfo on 2020-06-07 18:29:00

Your announcers are Mauro Ranallo, Beth Phoenix, and Tom Phillips.

Match Number One:  Mia Yim, Tegan Nox, and Shotzi Blackheart versus Candice LeRae, Dakota Kai, and Raquel Gonzalez

Mia and Candice start things off and Candice decides to tag in Gonzalez instead of locking up or dueling flashlights.  They lock up and Gonzalez sends Mia to the mat.  Mia with a waist lock and Gonzalez throws Mia aside.  Mia with chops and a gullotine but Gonzalez turns it into a suplex attempt but throws Mia to the mat.  Nox tags in and kicks Gonzalez in the leg.  Gonzalez with a running shoulder tackle and Dakota tags in.  Nox with a rollup for a near fall.  Nox grabs Kai by the throat but Kai escapes.  Kai with a float over into a rollup for a near fall.  Kai goes for a Thesz Press but Nox rolls under and gets a near fall but so does Kai.

Nox with a running European uppercut into the corner followed by a Cannonboar for a near fall.  Shotzi tags in and she kicks Kai in the arm and hits a face plant.  Shotzi misses a splash in the ropes and Kai with a scorpion kick for a near fall.  Shotzi avoids a senton from Candice and Shotzi with a kick.  Shotzi with a suicide dive but Gonzalez catches Shotzi and tosses her aside.  Mia with a suicide dive onto Kia.  Candice with a springboard cross body onto Mia, Shotzi, and Kai.  Nox goes up top and hits a swanton onto everyone on the floor.

Shotzi goes up top and hits Meteora on Candice followed by a back senton into the back against the ropes for a near fall.  Candice misses an enzuigiri and Shotzi with Cattle Mutilation but Kai kicks Shotzi to break up the hold.  Gonzalez comes in and hits a clothesline on Shotzi.  Candice gets a near fall.  Kai tags in and sends Shotzi into the turnbuckles.  Kai with a kick and she tags in Gonzalez and she kicks Shotzi in the corner and chokes Shotzi.  Kai tags in and Gonzalez with an Irish whip and Kai sets for the running Yakuza kick but Shotzi moves.  Shotzi with a jaw breaker and enzuigiri.  Candice tags in and she connects with forearms to Shotzi.  Shotzi tags in Mia and Mia with a clothesline and drop kick followed by a neck breaker.

Mia misses a kick and then Mia with a Dragon Suplex for a near fall.  Mia knocks Gonzalez down on the apron and Candice avoids Sole Food and hits a wrist clutch German suplex.  Nox and Gonzalez tag in and Nox with punches and clotheslines but Gonzalez stays on her feet.  Gonzalez catches Nox on a cross body attempt but Nox lands on her feet.  Gonzalez with a power bomb for a near fall.  Mia and Candice fight to the back.  Kai tags in and Shotzi pulls Nox away and Kai kicks Gonzalez.  Nox with a choke slam to Kai and Shotzi with an assisted Sliced Bread.  Nox with the Shiniest Wizard on Kai for the three count.

Winners:  Tegan Nox, Mia Yim, and Shotzi Blackheart

We go to William Regal as Lord Alfred Hayes to do a 'promotional consideration paid for' commercial for the SuperStar Cookie Sandiwiches.

Rhea Ripley is in the back getting ready for her match.

Match Number Two:  Finn Balor versus Damian Priest

Balor drop kicks Priest before the bell rings.  Priest goes to the floor and the match starts.  Balor with a kick and Priest with an Irish whip and he misses a leaping elbow.  Balor with a kick and clip that sends Priest to the floor.  Balor with a running forearm on the floor.  Priest Irish whips Balor into the ring steps.  Priest hot shots Balor on the apron and then he breaks the count.  Priest tosses the steps aside.  Priest goes off the bottom half of the steps and drops Balor on the apron.

Priest with a forearm.  Priest kicks Balor in the chest and then follows with another forearm.  Balor with forearms and Balor is sent into the corner.  Balor is caught by Priest and Priest with a jumping flatliner.  Priest with a back elbow.  Priest with a half nelson and chin lock.  Balor with a jaw breaker and Priest boxes the ears and kicks Balor into the corner.  Balor with boots and a forearm.  Balor with a flying forearm.  Balor with a chop in the corner.  Balor counters a suplex with a suplex of his own.  

Balor with a baseball slide to send Priest to the floor.  Balor kicks Priest against the guardrails.  Balor returns to the ring to break the count.  Balor with more forearms and then Priest recovers and hits a clothesline.  Priest gets Balor up but Balor gets to his feet.  Priest with a Falcon Arrow and Balor with a double stomp.  Balor and Priest exchange forearms and Balor with a Pele Kick for a near fall.  Balor with a running forearm and a second one against the roeps. Priest grabs Balor by the ropes and Balor with a victory roll for a near fall.  Balor forces Priest to the floor and Priest jumps to the apron and kicks Balor.  Priest sends Balor into the guardrails.  Priest with a Razor's Edge on the apron.  Priest gets a near fall.

Priest with two running back elbows in the corner.  Priest goes for a third but Balor with Slingblade and Priest with a cyclone kick and a second one.  Balor with an elevated elbow drop.  Balor with a running drop kick that sends Priest into the corner.  Balor goes up top for the Coup de Grace but Priest grabs Balor and Priest goes to the turnbuckles for a super choke slam.  Priest gets a near fall.  They go to the apron and Balor with punches and Priest with a kick.  Priest sees the steps on the floor and Priest goes for a Razor's Edge onto the steps but Balor gets to his feet and Balor with a forearm and Priest gets knocked off the apron onto the ring steps.

The referee makes his count but Priest is able to beat the ten count.  Balor with a double stomp to the back and then he goes up top again for Coup de Grace for the three count.

Winner:  Finn Balor

We are told that Finn Balor has just won his 11th match at Takeover.

We have more promotional considerations and Adam Cole talks about IcoPro.

We see Io Shirai in the back.

Johnny Gargano takes the key from the front door and puts it in his tights.

Match Number Three:  NXT North American Championship Match: Keith Lee versus Johnny Gargano

Gargano tries to go for the arm but Lee sends him to the mat.  Gargano jumps into a side head lock and Lee tosses him aside again.  Gargano wants to exchange punches with Lee and Lee misses a kick and back fist.  Gargano with a kick but Lee misses a few more kicks and it sends Garagano back into the corner.  Gargano runs into a shoulder tackle and Gargano goes to the floor.  Gargano with a baseball slide and then he goes for a suicide dive and Lee catches Gargano.  Gargano gets to the apron to avoid a Spirit Bomb onto the steps.  Gargano with a kick.  Lee catches Gargano off the apron and Lee with a rake of the eyes to escape a Spirit Bomb.  Gargano kicks at Lee but misses and kicks the ring steps.

Lee presses Gargano over his head and hot shots him on the apron.  Lee with a forearm as they go onto the 'grass' in front of the house.  Gargano tries to get into the front door and we see the security camera as Lee shows up and sends Gargano into the door.  Lee with a chop across the chest.  Lee sends Gargano to the ground.  Gargano kicks Lee when they return to the ring.  Gargano pulls at the fingers but Lee sends Gargano into the corner and then to the mat.  Lee with a knee and forearm.  Gargano with an enzuigiri.

Gargano stands on the injured hand while working on the injured eye.  Gargano with a chop and punches.  Lee pushes Gargano to the mat and Gargano with punches to the eye.  Gargano with knees to the arm and Lee sends Gargano to the mat.  Gargano with forearms.  Gargano stretches the injured hand against the turnbuckle.  Gargano gets a near fall.  Gargano twith a Cobra Clutch on Lee. Gargano gets on Lee's back and he connects with an elbow to the eye.  Gargano with boots to Lee and Gargano gets a near fall.  

Coverage Continues on Next Page


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