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By Richard Trionfo on 2019-12-11 22:05:00

We are back and Mia with a dragon screw leg whip and she gets a near fall.  Kai sends Mia into the turnbuckles and hits a running boot into the corner for a near fall.  Kai with kicks to Mia but Mia with an elbow to the knee followed by jabs and clothesline.  Mia with a round kick and she gets a near fall.  Mia with a forearm to the back followed by an overhead belly-to-belly throw for a near fall.  Dakota avoids Code Red but Mia is able to hit it and she gets a near fall.  Dakota with a sit out power bomb for a near fall.  Dakota with kicks to Mia but she misses the running boot into the corner.  Mia with a German suplex for a near fall.

Mia with a Protect Ya Neck but Kai rolls to the floor.  Mia sends Dakota back into the ring and Dakota grabs the knee brace and the referee takes it.  Dakota with a boot to Mia and Dakota removes the turnbuckle pad.  Dakota sends Mia into the exposed turnbuckle and gets the three count with a rollup.

Winner:  Dakota Kai

After the match, Mia attacks Dakota on the floor.  They fight to the production area.  Mia moves a few tables around and she connects with forearms.  They make their way to the production platform and Mia with a belly-to-back suplex through the tables.

Officials come to check on Mia and Dakota.  

Keith Lee says opportunity was all he desired.  Now it will be hard to stop him.  Lee tells Ciampa that they had their common goal but not that it is time for business, he will dismantle him.  Keith says that the industry might watch Balor, he is the biggest thing in the industry.  He wants to remind both of you that he is the only one who can pick both of you up at the same time to bask in his glory.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five:  Tyler Breeze and Fandango versus Samir Singh and Sunil Singh

Breeze and Sunil start things off and Sunil with a knee and Breeze with a kick and forearm.  Breeze with a knee to the midsection followed by a back breaker for a near fall.  Fandango tags in and he kicks Sunil.  Sunil with a knee and chop followed by shoulders.  Samir tags in and he misses a splash into the corner.  Fandango with a knee drop with Samir hanging in the turnbuckles for a near fall.  Breeze tags in and Samir runs Breeze into the corner and Sunil tags in and hits a spinning heel kick.  Samir with kicks to Breeze on the floor.  Sunil tags Samir in and Sunil with a back breaker and Samir with an elbow drop for a near fall.  Breeze with an enzuigiri.

Fandango and Sunil tag in and Fandango with a missile drop kick and back body drop.  Fandango with a super Falcon Arrow and then he hits a Falcon Arrow on Sunil but Samir breaks up the cover.  Samir and Sunil are sent to the floor.  Fandango po wer bombs Samir on the apron and then Fandango with a forearm and elbow drop off the apron onto Sunil.  Fandango with a leg drop from the top for the three count.

Winners:  Fandango and Tyler Breeze

We go to commercial.

We are back and we take a look at Rhea Ripley, who will face Shayna Baszler for the NXT Women's Championship.  

We see Rhea Ripley doing a radio interview.  She says he has to prove that she is the best.  Rhea says she knew she wanted to be in the WWE.  She started training at age 16 and she got a chance at age 19.  She says her first high profile match was in the first Mae Young Classic.  She returned the next year and then she went to the UK to become the first NXT UK Champion.  She led her team to victory in the first Women's War Games Match.  Then she dominated at Surivvor Series.  Her next step is to challenge Shayna Baszler.

Match Number Six:  Kayden Carter versus Bianca Belair

Bianca throws her jacket at Carter and it blinds her momentarily.  Belair with kicks and punches.  Carter avoids Belair and she kicks Bianca.  Belair with a waist lock and Carter blocks it and escapes.  Carter with a waist lock and O'Connor Roll for a near fall.  Carter with a springboard kick to Belair for a near fall.  Carter goes for an octopus but Belair counters into a back breaker and gutbuster.  Belair gets Carter on her shoulders for a Canadian backbreaker.  Carter with elbows to escape.  Carter with a jaw breaker but Belair with shoulders in the corner.  Belair does some dips with Carter on her shoulder.  Belair blocks a sunset flip and Belair tosses Carter to the mat.

Belair with a near fall.  Belair works on the back and Carter with a slap and forearm to the midsection.  Belair blocks a tornado DDT.  Belair with a slingshot suplex.  Belair goes for a moonsault but Carter gets her knees up.  Carter with forearms and she ducks down and Belair goes through the ropes to the floor.  Carter with a thrust kick from the apron and Carter sends Belair into the ring.   Carter misses a handspring move and Belair with a spear and KOD for the three count.

Winner:  Bianca Belair

NXT Men's Champion Adam Cole makes his way to the ring.  

We go to commercial.

We are back and Cole has made his way to the Game Balcony to watch the match that will determine his opponent for next week.

Tonight, Keith Lee will tell everyone to bask in his glory.  Tonight, Finn Balor will say that the Demon is not here but the Prince will reign.  Tommaso says he is not changing anything.  Tonight is for Goldie.  Nine months ago, he gave a piece of him away.  There is one path to Goldie and it goes through Finn Balor and Keith Lee.  He says that he wants Adam Cole to take a good look and realize that his days are numbered.

Match Number Seven:  Keith Lee versus Tommaso Ciampa versus Finn Balor in a Number One Contender Match

Balor with a forearm to Lee and Lee with a shoulder tackle to Balor.  Lee follows Balor to the floor and Balor with a shoulder to Ciampa.  Lee hot shots Balor on the apron and sends him back into the ring.  Balor with a rollup for a near fall on Ciampa.  Lee with a slingshot cross body onto both men as we go to commercial.

We are back and Lee with an Irish whip to Balor and a splash to Ciampa in the corner.  Lee with an Irish whip to Ciampa.  Lee with a splash to Ciampa and Balor.  Balor drop kicks Lee in the back as Lee hits a splash on Ciampa.  Lee with a forearm to Balor's back.  Ciampa with a boot to Lee.  Ciampa with a clothesline that sends Lee and himself over the top rope to the floor.  Ciampa punches Balor and hits a back elbow on Balor.  Ciampa kicks Balor in the corner.  Ciampa sends Balor into the corner and kicks and then he hits a running knee to Balor.  Ciampa kicks Lee and then hits a double Willow's Bell on Lee and Balor.  Ciampa with an Air Raid Crash of Balor onto Lee and Ciampa gets a near fall on Balor and then a near fall on Lee.

Ciampa with a forearm to Lee followed by a chop.  Ciampa with a forearm to Lee.  Lee with a forearm to knock Ciampa to his knees.  CIampa with a thumb to the eyes and he tries to get Lee up on his shoulders.  Lee with a chop to the back to make Ciampa regret his decision.  Lee with a chop to the chest.  Ciampa sets for Fairy Tale Ending on Lee but Lee picks Ciampa up and Balor kicks Lee.  Balor with a double leg take down on Ciampa followed by a double stomp.  Balor with a double leg take down on Lee followed by a double stomp.

Balor runs into a shoulder from Lee.  Lee with elbows and forearms to Ciampa and Balor.  Lee with splashes to Ciampa and Balor.  Lee biels Balor into Ciampa.  Lee with a double back drop to Balor and Ciampa.  Lee goes to the turnbuckles for a moonsault onto Ciampa and Balor but Ciampa gets up and he stops Lee.  Balor joins everyone on the turnbuckles for a double side Russian leg sweep on Lee.  Balor with forearms to Ciampa and Ciampa kicks Balor.  They continue the forearm exchange.  Ciampa with a clothesline and Balor with an elevated elbow drop.  Balor sets for 1916 but Lee comes from behind Balor and stops him.  Balor with a guillotine but Lee sends Balor to the apron.  Ciampa with Willow's Bell on the apron.  Balor with a snap mare to Ciampa followed by a kick to the back.

Balor with Slingblade on the floor to Ciampa.  Ciampa stops Balor on the turnbuckles and Ciampa with a chop.  Ciampa gets Balor on his shoulders for a Super Air Raid Crash but he gets Ciampa on his shoulders for an Electric Chair Drop on Ciampa while Ciampa gives Balor the Air Raid Crash.  Lee gets a near fall on Ciampa.  Lee puts Ciampa in position and then Lee climbs the turnbuckles for a moonsault but misses.  Ciampa sets for Fairy Tale Ending but Lee with a Jackhammer to Ciampa and then he tries for one on Balor but Balor counters into an inside cradle.  Lee blocks Slingblade and then Balor with a double stomp to counter the Spirit Bomb.  

Balor sends Ciampa to the floor and then hits a suicide dive onto Lee on the other side of the ring.  Balro with a drop kick to Ciampa that sends Ciampa into the guardrails.  Balor goes up top and misses Coup de Grace.  Lee with a POUNCE to Balor and Balor goes to the floor.  Ciampa appears to be having trouble getting back to his feet and Lee gets Ciampa up for the Spirit Bomb but Ciampa gets to his feet and Ciampa clips Lee.  Ciampa gets Lee up for an Air Raid Crash for a near fall.

Ciampa is given a spinebuster by Lee and Lee goes to the turnbuckles for a moonsault and hits it.  Lee gets a near fall.  Lee gets Ciampa up again and he hits the Spirit Bomb but Balor with the Coup de Grace on Lee for the three count.

Winner:  Finn Balor

Finn and Adam stare each other down and Adam is joined by the other members of the Undisputed Era.

We go to credits.

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