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By Stuart Carapola on 2019-06-29 00:01:00

ROH TV Title Match: Shane Taylor vs Bandido

They start off trading shots in the middle of the ring, which Taylor unsurprisingly wins.  Bandido tries to lucha around him, but Taylor surprisingly keeps up with him.  Bandido goes for a handshake, Taylor spits in his hand, Bandido goes back to trying lucha stuff, and catches Taylor with a flying headscissors that sends the champion out to the floor.  Bandido goes for a running Frankensteiner off the apron, but Taylor catches him and powerbombs him onto the apron.  Taylor is firmly in control as he unloads hard hitting offense on Bandido, even standing on Bandido's head while trash talking him.  Bandido tries a couple of wild swings, and Taylor dodges like Mayweather and headbutts Bandido, knocking him out cold.  Bandido barely makes it to his feet before the 10 count, and starts firing off kicks at the knee.  Bandido with a couple of running clotheslines, then comes off the top with a twisting crossbody.  Bandido rolls up the front of Taylor and maneuvers him out of the ring, then takes him out with a dive.  Taylor turns Bandido inside out with a hard clothesline for 2, but Bandido comes back with a springboard dropkick.  Bandido tries a Stinger Splash, but Taylor catches him and just plants him in the mat.  Taylor comes off the second rope with the splash, but Bandido kicks out at 2.  Bandido goes for a fireman's carry, Taylor blocks so Bandido superkicks him into next week, and he tries the handspring German suplex, but Taylor blocks and back headbutts Bandido, then hits a powerbomb, kneestrike to the face, and a package piledriver for...2!  Bandido still somehow kicks out.  Taylor goes back to the second rope, goes for a crossbody, but BANDIDO CATCHES HIM, HOLDS HIM FOR A FEW SECOND, THEN POWERSLAMS HIM.  Ye gads!  Bandido comes off the top with a shooting star press, but Taylor is out at 2.  Bandido tries a leaping something, but Taylor catches him and hits a sitout Tombstone for the win.

Winner: Shane Taylor

Great match, another terrific blend of two totally different styles of wrestling.

ROH Six Man Tag Team Title Match: Villain Enterprises vs Mark Haskins & Tracy Williams & PJ Black

Fast paced start with Scurll and Haskins with a fast-paced mat wrestling sequence.  Black and PCO tag in, and Black uses his speed to outmaneuver PCO until PCO catches his foot and hits a dragon screw legwhip.  PCO with a running headbutt to the chest, Black superkicks PCO in the face, and PCO pump kicks Black in the face.  Black avoids a rolling senton, and now it's Williams and King.  These two just go to town hammering on each other, which King gets the early advantage on.  He picks Williams up by the throat and sits him on the top for a chokeslam, but Williams reverses to a hanging armbar, then springboards off the ropes, King catches him with a goozle, and Williams unloads with clotheslines, a roaring clothesline rocks King, he goes for a German suplex, King blocks, and plows him into the Villain Enterprises corner with a hard forearm.  Scurll goes to Tracey's arm, and Williams rolls to the floor to recover, but Scurll comes out to the apron and superkicks the shoulder.  Haskins goes to join the fight on the floor, but King takes Haskins and Williams out with a rolling senton off the apron, then monkey flips PCO onto King and Williams on the floor.  This guy is insane.  Williams finally manages to break free and make a hot tag to Haskins, who cleans house on Scurll before tagging in Black for a combo Mexican surfboard/running boot combo.  Black with the Billy Goat's Curse, but then gets the arms to turn it into a pendulum hold while Haskins and Williams drill him with a double dropkick for 2.  King comes in and cleans house on both Williams and Black, slams Williams, slams Black on top of Williams, and flattens them both with a senton.  Scurll gets Haskins in a Boston crab, PCO comes off the second rope with the Quebecer legdrop, then takes Black and Williams out with a dive.  Haskins over Scurll's knees for a senton from Brody that gets 2.  Scurll sunset flips King into a German suplex on Haskins for 2.  Haskins dropkicks PCO's knee out, kicks him in the face, tags Black in to hit a missile dropkick, then one from Williams gets 2.  Ian makes a PJ Masks reference, and I pop because I may be one of the few who got that.  Haskins and Williams take King and Scurll out with dives, then a triple spike piledriver on PCO gets 2 when PCO barely BARELY gets the shoulder up.  Scurll comes in and snaps Williams' fingers, and this leads to the "everyone hits a spot" sequence that ends with PCO planting Haskins with an air raid crash.  Scurll and Black trade forearms, Black superkicks Scurll, Black superkicks PCO, does it again, but PCO just pops up and Cactus clotheslines both of them to the floor.  PCO goes to the top rope for a moonsault to the outside, but Williams pops up, nails PCO, and Haskins superkicks PCO into the face, allowing Williams to powerbomb PCO onto the ring apron.  Scary bump.  Black catches Scurll with a backslide for 2, springboard back kick and then a Lionsault get 2.  Haskins and Williams team up on King, who holds his own against the both of them, then springboards off the top rope to lucha armdrag them both to the floor, then King hits a somersault dive on both men as Scurll small packages Black for 2.  Black with a knockout kick to Scurll, moonsault attempt ends up dropping Black face first on Scurll's feet, King hits Black with the Gonzo Bomb, PCO tags in and comes off the top with a moonsault for the win.

Winners: Villain Enterprises

They offer Gordon the shirt again, Gordon puts it on, and suddenly the lights go out.  Marty Scurll is on screen, congratulating Lifeblood and saying that he doesn't mean to cause them a spot of bother, but how appropriate is it that the same night they gain their ally, he is about to reveal the newest employee of Villain Enterprises.  He looked long and hard all over the world, and even right here in the United States, and who knew the newest employee of Villain Enterprises was under his nose the entire time?  He is the intern, the understudy, the mercenary...the camera pans to the side, and it's...FLIP GORDON!  Gordon superkicks Bandido, then ducks under a double clothesline from Haskins and Williams and scoots to the floor to take his place with the rest of Villain Enterprises.  They surround the ring and overwhelm Williams and Haskins.  Bandido is already down, and PJ Black is nowhere to be found as Scurll and Gordon shake hands.  King puts Williams on a table and Gordon hits a 450 splash that puts Williams through a table, but Gordon overshoots and at first appears to plow face first into the floor at high velocity, then starts grabbing at his arm, which he appears to have hurt legitimately.

And with that...IT'S MAIN EVENT TIME!

ROH World Title Match: Matt Taven vs Jeff Cobb

We follow the Code of Honor, and the bell rings to start us off!  Cobb backs Taven to the corner, Taven reverses out, and hits a couple of chops that don't faze Cobb one bit.  Cobb picks Taven up, sits him on the top rope, and chops him to the floor.  Taven comes back in and charges Cobb, gets ragdolled to the apron, then Cobb shoulderblocks Taven to the floor.  Taven looks stunned at Cobb's power, and takes a long count on the floor to break the momentum.  He tries pulling Cobb out to the floor, but Cobb holds his ground, yanks Taven up by the mohawk, and drags him into the ring.  Taven goes for a german suplex, Cobb easily blocks and whips Taven to the corner, Taven leapfrogs, Cobb with a leapfrog of his own, catches Taven on another leapfrog attempt of his own, and Taven reverses to a sleeper.  Taven comes off the second rope with something, but Cobb catches Taven and pops him across the ring with a release belly to belly suplex.  Cobb powers Taven up into a vertical suplex and dumps Taven without falling himself.  Ian reminds us that Vinny Marseglia and TK O'Ryan have been banned from the building as Taven waits for Cobb to make a reach for him and drop him face first on the ring apron.  Taven takes Cobb out with a dive that drives Cobb's skull into the barricade with an audible THWACK.  Lots of rough looking bumps tonight.  Cobb blocks the Climax (that just sounds wrong), but Taven hits a rolling neckbreaker and gets a top wristlock on Cobb.  Cobb gets to his base, hoists Taven up, but Taven hammers him with right hands until Cobb drops.  Taven goes to the top rope for a frogsplash, but Cobb moves out of the way.  Cobb picks Taven up and hits snake eyes, then a wrist clutch suplex launches Taven across the ring one-handed.  Cobb slowly crawls over and picks Taven up, they trade forearms, Cobb ducks a leg lariat, and Cobb connects with a series of clotheslines.  Roaring clothesline floors Taven, and a standing moonsault from Cobb gets 2.  Cobb with a northern lights suplex for 2, followed by a running European uppercut in the corner.  Cobb ragdolls Taven off the mat into a spinning back suplex.  Cobb goes for a powerbomb, Taven reverses to a Frankensteiner, and drills Cobb in the face with a running kneestrike.  Taven with another running kneestrike, and then a third, and Taven makes a cover but barely gets 1.  Taven goes for the Climax again, Cobb blocks, but he hits it on the third attempt and covers for a close 2.  Cobb blocks another Climax with a waistlock and just launches Taven over his head with a release German suplex.  Cobb goes for the spinning powerslam, but Taven twists out and hits a NASTY Climax for the win.

Winner: Matt Taven

I really wanted to like this one because I love both guys, but it just felt flat to me like they never really got out of first gear.

Really good show overall, if you have Honor Club and missed this show, I highly recommend checking out the replay.

Thanks for reading's live coverage of ROH Best In The World 2019!

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