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By Mike Johnson on 2018-06-02 20:15:00

Wildkat Revolution Champion Jonny Flex vs. Steve Anthony.

Anthony backed Flex easily in the corner.   They went back and forth working over the other’s arm.  Anthony nailed an elbow and scored with a shoulderblock.  Flex used a La Magistral and scored several quick two counts.   Flex unloaded with a series of elbows and strikes.  Anthony rolled to the floor. 

When he returned to the ring, he backed Flex into the corner, but the smaller man escaped and unloaded with a series of chops, chasing Anthony around the ring.  Flex got draped over the ropes and dropkicked off them to the outside.   Anthony hit a beel toss over the barricade into the crowd.     Anthony charged across ringside and hit a dive over the guard rail into the crowd on Flex.

Anthony brought Flex into the ring and choked him on the ropes.   He worked Flex over for a long time.     Flex finally fired up with some nice offense and came off the ropes with a dropkick for a two count.  Flex came off the top with a flying forearm for two count.

Anthony worked him over in the corner, but Flex nailed a sunset flip off the ropes for a two count.  He hit a sliding dropkick to the floor on Anthony.  He tossed Anthony over the guard rail into the crowd, then hit a dive off the barricade.

Anthony regained control and went for a springboard suplex.  Flex avoided it but was caught with a second one.  Anthony locked on a Dragon Sleeper.  Flex went for a jawbreaker but Anthony nailed him with a knee and drove him down to the mat for a two count.  They went back and forth until Flex scored the pin.

Your winner and still champion Jonny Flex!

The Pump Patrol vs. Dan Maff & Craig Steele.

Lots of posturing and stalling early.  Maff and Steele controlled the ring.  The Patrol made a comeback.  Maff scored the pin with the burning hammer.  This was too long.

Your winners, Maff & Steele!

Matt Lancie vs. Crowbar.

Lancie nailed some big bombs on Crowbar early including a stiff clothesline.  Lancie whipped out a series of nice suplexes.   Crowbar cut him off and stomped him in the corner.  Crowbar nailed a series of strikes.   He nailed a bronco buster in the corner.   Crowbar nailed a splash off the ropes for a two count.   Crowbar controlled the bout for some time.  He cinched in a side chinlock.   Lance came back with a forearm off the ropes.  The referee counted both men down.

They made their way to their feet.  Lance whipped out several suplexes and a big slam.  They battled to the floor, where Lancie beat down Crowbar in the corner.   One of Crowbar’s seconds attacked Lancie, who beat him up and tossed him to the floor.

They battled back into the ring, where Lancie chopped Crowbar in the corner.    Lancie missed a chair.  Crowbar monkeyflipped him and nailed him in the gut and the back with a chair.  He nailed a Northern Nights suplex on the chair for a two count.  Crowbar drilled him again with the chair.

A door was pulled from under the ring.  Yep, a door.  He nailed strikes and chops on Lancie.  Crowbar tried to send him through the door, but Lance cut him off and nailed a F5 for a two count.   Lancie speared Crowbar through the door, which broke, for the pin.

Your winner, Matt Lancie!

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