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By Mike Johnson on 2017-12-10 00:26:00

The cage is being constructed:


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Cage of Death: CZW champion Rickey Shane Page vs. Shane Strickland vs. Joe Gacy

Inside the Cage of Death are a number of weapons.  Atop the Cage is a wooden bridge and a second one that appears to have some glass inside of it.

Everyone battled.  Strickland was tossed hard into a pane of glass.  Gacy broke a light tube collection over Page's shoulder.  Gacy superkicked Strickland and worked him over with forearm smashes before hitting a Beel Throw into plexiglass that was propped up in the corner.   Gacy continued to control the ring and pulled out an electric meat slicer, using it on Strickland and Page's foreheads.   Gacy poured tacks (I think) in the center of the ring but Page nailed him with a light tube.  Page and Strickland nailed a double hiptoss into the tacks.

Page and Strickland battled with Page peppering him with forearms.   Page set up a barbed wire board across several chairs in the senter of the ring.  He tossed Gacy into the cage.  Strickland and Page crawled to the top of the cage and met in the center of the bridge.  They battled with Strickland getting the worst of the exchange.  Strickland hit a Side Russian legsweep off the bridge through the second bridge (which had glass inside of it) and they crashed through to the barbed wire board below.  Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.  They are crazy.

Gacy pulled several light tubes into the ring.  They all beat the hell out of each other with the tubes.  The crowd chanted "CZW" and went nuts for this.   They finally all hit each other at the same time.  At some point, four chairs connected were hung from the bridge and they took turns running each other into them.  That was different.  Strickland set up another piece of Plexiglass across several chairs.  Page was underneath.  Strickland came off the top with a big double stomp through the glass, which got a massive pop but Gacy attacked and broke up the pinfall.  He nailed a piledriver on Strickland and scored a two count.

Page returned and nailed Gacy, then sent him flying into the cage over and over.  Page set up another pain of glass and poured lighter fluid over it.  Gacy attacked him before it could be set aflame.  He lit it himself butJ Hye Page grabbed him and chokeslammed him through it.   Dan Barry tried to get in the cage to assist Gacy but was hit with a big boot by Shane.  A bunch of masked men all tried tp climb the cage to help Gacy but Page and Strickland nailed them with chairs as they climbed up.  One made it through but was beaten and slammed through a pane of glass.

Music began playing and out came a female masked woman who attacked Dan Barry as he was climbing the cage and hit a Russian Legsweep off of it, down onto all the other masked men below. 

The battle continued with Page and Gacy on top of the bridge.  Another masked man grabbed Gacy and pulled him off, where he crashed down through a table to the floor.  He unmasked to reveal Anthony Gangone from the NYC indy scene.

Page returned to the ring, where he faced off with Strickland.  They exchanged forearms and strikes and kicks.   Strickland hit a knee into Page, smashing light tubes.   Another pane of glass was set up.  They battled to the top where Page hit a reverse frankensteiner off the top through the glass and scored the pin.

Your winner and still CZW champion Ricky Shane Page! 

It was insanity.  People knew what they were getting and well, they got it.

Wait, there was more.

Nick Gage showed up at ringside with Brett Lauderdale, both wearing Gamechanger Wrestling shirts.  They came in from the front door, not backstage.  Gage took the mic and said this isn't a storyline, but a straight shoot.    He demanded Page get out of the ring.  DJ Hyde came running down looking to fight.  Matt Tremont and Joey Janela hit the cage as well.  Everyone was shoving each other.  Gage was standing up to ebveryone.  The ring filled with CZW security and students.  There was a lot of shoving and yelling at each other.  Gage finally left the cage and left through the crowd. 

The show ended with a bunch of CZW talents all in the ring talking.  Page finally took the mic.  He asked everyone to forget about all that bullsh** and said the fans are CZW.  He thanked the fans for coming out tonight and told them not to worry about what just happened.  He said they would figure it out, thanked the fans again, and left the ring.

If it was an angle, they played it like a shoot as much as possible.  If it wasn't , well, we will know that story soon enough.

Update: The word backstage is that it was not an angle and Nick Gage legitimately jumped into the cage and grabbed the ring Mic at the end of the show. As you might imagine, CZW wasn't happy.  We will see if that is indeed the case (as if it was an angle, everyone would say it was not) and if anything comes out of this.

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