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By Mike Johnson on 2017-10-14 16:34:00

ROH Tag Team champions The Motor City Machineguns vs. Silas Young & Beer City Bruiser.


The Dawgs joined Ian Riccaboni on commentary.

Young and Bruiser attacked the champs before the bell.  The Guns made a comeback and hit dives off the apron to the floor on the challenge.  Back in the ring, The Guns worked over Bruiser.  Shelley came off the top with an axehandle.  Sabin tagged in and did the same.  Bruiser was staggered but didn't go down.   Shelley nailed another.  He went to rebound off the ropes but Young kneed him in the back.  Bruiser charged but Shelley moved out of the way and Bruiser knocked his own partner off the apron.

Bruiser cut off Shelle and worked him over, then tossed him to floor, where he was worked over.  Shelley was tossed back in and the challengers double teamed him.   Shelley tried to fight his way out but Young was able to continously cut him off.  Young is great at all the little things that old school heels used to do.  He came off the ropes and it was a back rake.  Shelley fought back but was nailed in the corner by Bruiser.  Sabin finally got the tag and hit a high cross bodyblock off the top on Bruiser.  Young sunset flipped him but Sabin rolled through and drilled him with a kick to the head.  Sabin nailed a nice missile dropkick.  The Guns began drilling double team moves on Young.  Shelley hit a pescado to the floor on Bruiser.

The Guns nailed their signature dive through the ropes on Young with Shelley holding the ropes open for Sabin.   Young cut of Shelley and nailed Misery.  Beer City Bruiser came off the top with a splash but Shelley broke up the pinfall at the last second.   Shelley went for the sliced bread #2 on Young but Beer City Bruiser caught him.  They nailed a spike Beer City Driver.  Bruiser nailed a hip attack in the corner followed by a splash in the corner for a two count.

 Guns made a comeback with a series of superkicks on Bruiser, followed by the Dream Sequence on Young.  They nailed Skull and Bones and scored the pin.

Your winners and still ROH Tag Team champions, The Motor City Machineguns.

Another good back and forth match.

NEVER Openweight champion Minoru Suzuku & IWGP Tag Team champions The Killer Elite Squad vs. Will Ospreay & Toru Yano & YOSHI-HASHI.


All six offered the other handshakes before the bell but they all turned on each other and began brawling all over.  Suzuki went right after Yano, who has been driving him nuts by consistently beating him in every meeting.  They brawled into the crowd with Suzuki dishing out the majority of the damage.  When they returned to the ring, Suzuki kept dishing out punishment but was caught with an inverted atomic drop.  Suzuki came back to latch on the hanging armbar.

BJ Whitmer joined Ian Riccaboni on commentary.

On the floor, Suzuki continued the beating.  There was almost too much with everyone at the same time to really give it proper coverage.  Suzuki even went after referee Todd Sinclair.   Davey Boy Smith Jr. held up Yano for a long time before dropping him back with a suplex.  Suzuki tagged in and went right back to work on Yano's arm.  YOSHI-HASHI got into the ring to try and interfere but got snatched in a heel submission so Suzuki had them both locked in at the same time   Ospreay hit the ring and stomped Suzuki to make him release the holds.

Yano finally nailed Suzuki and tagged in Ospreay, who went nuts with offensive maneuvers.   He snapped a dropkick and a running shooting star press on Smith for a two count.  He went for a senton off the ropes but was drilled in mid-air.  Smith went for a move but it was turned into a cutter in transition.  Ospreay went for a moonsault but was kicked in the face and nailed with a Saito suplex for a two count.   Suzuki tagged in and bean kicking away at Ospreay.  Ospreay fired back with a chop.  Suzuki smiled and the crowd chanted, "You f***ed up."  Suzuki killed him with a kick to the chest.  Ospreay manned up and nailed a chop.  Suzuki took him down with another.  Ospreay fired back with a series and they went back and forth with strikes and kicks and punches and chops until both men went down.  Good stuff!

Lance Archer tagged in as did YOSHI-HASHI.  Suzuki-Gun triple-teamed YOSHI-HASHI.  They caught him in the corner and each nailed big moves, but Yano and Ospreay made the save before he could be pinned  Ospreay went for a dive but was caught by Archer with a chokeslam and tossed over the guard rail into the crowd.  All sorts of chaos again, no pun intended.   Ospreay dove from the crowd to the ring apron, then springboarded into the ring and rolled up Archer for the pin.

Your winners, CHAOS!

Entertaining and different from everything else on the show so far. 

Sumie Sakai vs. Hollidead

Sumie was chased around the ring.  Hollidead controlled the early portion of the match.  She went to the top for a move but Sumie caught her.  Hollidead tried to fight her off but Sumie held on.  She was finally kicked down off the ropes but Sakai bounced back with a big uppercut.  She hit a top rope rana into the ring.  Sakai used a forward roll for a two count. Sakai used another rollthrough for a two count.

Sakai continued working over Hollidead with shots to the back. Sakai missed a clothesline and was caught with a big kick and a Samoan drop.  Sakai went for a top rope bodypress but Hollidead rolled through, only for Sakai to roll through again.  Sakai used a small package for the pin.

Your winner, Sumi Sakai!

Coverage continues on Page 3!

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