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By Dave Scherer on 2015-10-25 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

It was a nice surprise to see James Storm appear at NXT. The announcing team mentioned his one year run with WCW and then said he had been in the indys for the last 17 years. Seriously? I understand not wanting to give TNA any free publicity but Storm was a TNA original and helped shoulder TNA for years as a member of AMW and later Beer Money. Is WWE so set on ignoring that TNA even exists that they would disrespect just a large portion of James Storm's career by calling it "the indys"? I would expect that from Vince but I assumed that HHH would be a little more professional and respectful.

I have no problem with it. WWE and NXT have the right to not acknowledge a competitor if they choose to do so. NXT is not about promoting TNA or where James Storm has been before. It’s about promoting the NXT product and its wrestlers. And honestly, given the state of TNA right now, one could make the case that they are an indy.

Hypothetically if NXT had sold out the Brooklyn Centre and Summerslam/Raw didn't during the big 3 dayer in August, how do you think the reaction would have been internally?

I would like to say it would have opened Vince McMahon’s eyes, but give we are going on two months of really low viewership numbers for Raw, and nothing has been changed creatively, I can’t say that with any confidence. My fear is that Vince would react by making NXT more like WWE instead.

So, after the introspective on him from NXT's October 21st episode, talking about growing up, naturally tearing up about his mom, how great he's been in the ring; could he be any more likable?  Do you see him being in the position Cena has been in, in the future?

I love Crews and he came across really well in that interview. I think he could have a great future ahead of him in WWE if he is given the chance. But to say he will be pushed like John Cena? That is a stretch since no one since John Cena has been pushed the way he has in a decade.

I know I'm probably going to get crucified for this...but shouldn't the main shows bring back local jobbers? Take Brock for example...he comes back, takes the belt, goes away and never touches anyone until the big match (the odd faceoff notwithstanding). With all the other storylines requiring each main roster member having to wrestle each other usually multiple times due to the limited roster and "even steven" booking....wouldn't jobber matches help prolong the suspense until each big match?

The problem with doing so is this. Viewers have been spoiled into seeing competitive matches. I don’t know that they would accept jobber matches again. In an era when things are done to get viewers to keep from turning the channel, jobber matches go against that line of thinking. Since WWE’s number one source of revenue is their TV contracts, they have to be cognizant of that.

Have you ever thought that the current state of the wrestling business is beginning to look much like the early 1980’s? With NXT cherry picking the top talent from the indies and smaller promotions, the cupboard is beginning to look a little bare. Along with piracy and other challenges that small companies face, many may find it impossible to survive. Do you see the beginning of another cycle where there are no places left for young people to learn the business?

I think in some form or another, indies will always be out there for people to learn but yes, the business is definitely changing. TNA is not what it once was, as they don’t run the way they used to, but Ring Of Honor is still going strong in what they do. And now that EVOLVE is finalizing a deal to work as a feeder for NXT, and thus WWE, I think that there will be places for young talents to learn. But, their options as to where they can work will obviously not be as plentiful as they were in the past.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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