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By Dave Scherer on 2015-09-13 09:59:00

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I'm starting to think Vince was out of touch since about 1993. I get what he did and how above the curve he was in 1985, but we pretend he was awesome during the Attitude era. In that world, then so was Vince Russo. For both of them a lot of it was more awful than not, and sometimes just more than awful. I think they lucked out having the roster they had. Austin, Rock, Triple H, New Age Outlaws, Edge & Christian, Mick Foley..they all happened by accident. Look at the gimmicks that were set up originally for everyone I mentioned. Vince hasn't just recently been "out of touch" has he?

Who is this WE you speak of? You must not be an Elite subscriber or new to the site because I have said repeatedly for over a decade that the only reason The Attitude Era happened was because Vince was desperate and forced to go outside of his comfort zone where the product was concerned. There was bad stuff then, but the good stuff was so good, largely due to the roster and their ability to take bullet points and make them into good TV. WWE was actually at its best after Russo left and the late Chris Kreski took over. He used the great talents in conjunction with coherent storylines and the product was great. Then, WCW fell and Vince won the war and was able to go back to doing what he likes to do best.

What was the main reason why the JBL and Cole Show was cancelled?

They stopped doing it, basically. From what I was told, their goal was to get a national radio deal out of it and when that didn’t materialize, Cole moved on since he is a busy guy.

Has WWE ever shown any interest in signing Thea Trinidad? With NXT's growing focus on women's wrestling, recently displayed by the signing of Kana, she could certainly fit in well. The former Rosita is a good worker, certainly an attractive woman as well and with her level of experience, could help the younger talent to grow as a performer.

As of now, nothing serious but I agree she would be a great addition. WWE has been hesitant to sign TNA Knockouts and I think she has been hurt by that. I would love to see her in NXT/WWE.

The biggest/best wrestler of all time is probably a question that can’t be conclusively answered, but what about “most successful”?  If you were to judge it on financial terms (it is a business after all…), do you think Cena would beat the likes of Sammartino, Flair, Hogan, & Rock/Austin?  Sammartino & Flair may have headlined the longest, but the business was mostly territorial then.  Hogan had a long time on top, but the PPV market was still new.  Austin & Rock only had a comparably short reign (albeit hugely successful) and had to share the credit.  Cena has been the face of WWE for over 10 years now and has been a key part of growing the WWE into a financial juggernaut, possibly more so than those who went before him.  (a)  What is your opinion on Cena as the most successful of all time based on these criteria?  (b) Do you know of anyone who has done any detailed investigation into this?

No, I don’t. I look at it in money generated and WWE had a sellout string during the Attitude Era that they haven’t seen since. Cena has been the top guy for a decade so that means he has to take the heat for that, and its fair since the way WWE has booked him has been a major reason why some people don’t spend money on their product.

What happens if Sting loses to Seth Rollins at Night Of Champions? What was the point of Sting coming to WWE?

For Sting, it was some paydays. The point from WWE’s perspective was to give consumers a unique attraction for Night Of Champions to sell/maintain WWE Network subscriptions.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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