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By Dave Scherer on 2015-07-29 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

Since Dixie Carter runs TNA, ultimately she deserves most of the blame for TNA's woes, but who do you think is the next closest person that deserves some blame: Russo, Hogan, Bischoff, Big John, someone else?

Dixie Carter is in first and second place. She hired all of the people. Yes, Russo did a lot of damage to the company (where losing money was concerned). Hogan and Bischoff did too. But at the end of the day, she kept allowing people to do the damage.

What's your take on the "someone is out to get Owens" and "Owens isn't booked for Summer Slam" articles we're seeing flooding the various news sites today?  Do you think it's too early to say and we (Owens fans) need to be fair and see what they actually have in the works or is it appropriate to be hitting the "they're burying Owens button" already? 

I am typing this on Sunday so I don’t know what happened on Raw yet. I will say this, people that were saying that when you sent the question on 7/22 are jumping the gun (and given how guys have been cut off at the knees when their program with Cena ended, I get it. But as of last Wednesday, we knew one match for sure. Someones people let their opinions turn into faux fact.

What's the origin of "roody-poo"? Is it some kind of inside joke?

Rudy Poot was actually coined by Iceman King Parsons years before The Rock came along and changed it. Iceman was was awesome. He would call people a no good, Rudy Poot, basically calling them a loser or poser. He even carried a Rudy Poot stick, which he used as a weapon, for a while. Rock shortened it to Rudy Poo. I don’t know if Iceman came up with it, but he was the first one I ever heard say it.

Ever since the E:60 special Adam Rose is nowhere to be found.  What's going on with him?

He has been working house show matches in a tag team with Brad Maddox. Other than that, there’s not much to say!

Do you see any potential of Seth Rollins' career traveling down a road like the Miz's has, if not quite to the same extreme? Don't get me wrong, I realize Seth's in ring talent far surpasses the Miz, but it seems like both became heel champions with the briefcase, and both were shown very little respect in that role, even though both worked their tail off for the company. I know HHH will have Seth's back more than anyone had Miz's but with Vince still in charge... do you see what I see, or am I way off base? (I'd be happy to hear the latter). 

I hope not but yes, I could see it. They have booked Seth as a coward who runs away and always is looking for help. That doesn’t exactly make him seem strong or legitimate in the eyes of at least some fans. I hope WWE sees this and adapts how they book him. The guy is too talented to waste.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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