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By Alexandre Lamoureux on 2015-05-05 09:15:41
After Raw went off the air, WWE held a Pat Patterson Appreciation Night ceremony.

Vince McMahon came out first talking about his friendship with Pat and how he was part of is family. Pat came out. The crowd was chanting "Thank you Pat" and "Merci Pat" and he had tears in is eyes. They showed a video of Pat's career.

Bret Hart came out and thanked Pat for everything he did and gave him a custom-made Montreal Canadiens Jersey with number 1 and Patterson on the back. They showed another video with current and former Superstars thanking Pat.

HHH came out with the whole roster and stood on the ramp. HHH was filming the whole thing while walking down to the ring. He said he wouldnt be here if it wasn't for Pat.

He told a story about him working with Vince that he went to the bathroom and while he was relaxing, Vince then went to see him in the bathroom cause he had a idea for a storyline. Triple H cracked a joke about Rio de Janeiro and he gave him a framed white Intercontinental belt with pictures of Pat inside.

Triple H told him to sing like he did at his wedding, Pat went on to sing I DID IT MY WAY. He was a pretty good singer!

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