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By Mike Johnson on 2015-04-24 10:00:00
is there any of a plans for WWE to had season 2 for Hulk Hogan's Rock 'n' Wrestling i went on Wikipedia it show season 2 for this year is the really true?


There's been talk that WWE wants Daniel Bryan to tone down his in ring style to prolong his career. However, a big part of why the fans love Bryan is his in ring style. It's that support that keeps him in the upper card. So, if you were Bryan, would you keep putting on the best matches you could and keep being considered one of the best in the world or would you take it easier, lose some support and make yourself mediocre, just to prolong your career a little?

If I was Bryan, I'd care more about my life, my wife and my future children then I would about killing myself having great matches. He has an amazing body of work in his past. It's time to make his fortune so he can live the life he wants to live. TONE DOWN.

I know they won't do this, but wouldn't it be cool if WWE brought in Ivan Koloff to do a pre-recorded interview about the brutality of a Russian Chain Match, spliced with video of his old chain matches, some powerful, dramatic music and of course mentioning he's a former WWE champ? They've got great video production capabilities. This would be a way to get over how dangerous this match can be. Thoughts?

I love the idea but unfortunately, it's too late now for WWE to do this.

Is there seriously no one in WWE other than Michael Cole that can semi-competently host their shows? They didn't want to use NXT talent and apparently didn't know Byron Saxton is horrible, so they bring back Cole, in London, to no sell the "serious neck injury" Brock Lesnar gave him. WTH??? Way to ruin a rare great RAW moment.

Saxton isn't horrible but they certainly brought Cole back way too soon.

Whatever happened to Dennis Stamp?

Nothing. Dennis still lives in Amarillo and at times, still wrestles.

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