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By Dave Scherer on 2015-01-14 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q and A by clicking here.

What do you think of this scenario: The 3 former Shield members are the last 3 in the Rumble. Reigns goes over leading to the big setup of Reigns vs Lesnar at WM31. Reigns escapes with the belt and then Rollins cashes in. It would make the title strong again and quickly move the story away from the (potentially) departing Lesnar.

I am totally sick of a guy going through the back door to get his first Title reign. Rollins has been booked to be inferior to John Cena, even with help from the Stooges. If Rollins is going to win the Title, I would like to see him do it in a credible manner to make him seem more legitimate.

I am a fan of Roman Reigns and would like to see him win the Rumble and eventually defeat Brock at WM31 but I fear that he is getting less popular with the fans every time he wrestles. The last two bouts against the Big Show have been slow and boring to say the least and it's shown that the underlying problem with Reigns is still there. His limited move set. Apart from his 4 signature moves he is void of ideas and subsequently spends 8 mins of a 10 min match getting dominated. I think he needs to start adding spine busters and leg drops amongst other moves to his inventory if he's going to get over. I wondered what your view is of this and whether you think it will jeopardize his chances of getting an opportunity to go to the top?

When Vince McMahon writes the guy promos where he has a supposed tough guy say, “suffering succotash”, yeah they have an issue. And donkey dung for brains? Really? Reigns does need to step up what he can control, like his work and how he delivers his promos, but with Vince with him writing the stuff that Reigns has been saying, it’s another hurdle he will have to overcome. I think they have something in Reigns but they need to mine it better than they have been.

have been watching Raw since it's inception, and never have I been so disappointed/disgusted! I usually fall asleep, then watch on a streaming site the next day. But I have absolute,y no desire to see any of it again, and may give up on it for a while. Course, I have been watching wrestling for 53 years, so it would be hard to go cold turkey. But last Monday's Raw…lousiest show I can ever remember. Not one good, or sensible thing happened. Is it just me, or have I joined some kind of club?

You are not the only one I have heard from, not by a longshot.

Why does WWE hold PPV's in the same cities like Chicago, St. Louis, Boston, LA, and NYC whereas cities like Seattle, Portland, or Denver almost never get one?

They hold them in the markets they believe will draw the best. They check their internal documentation to see where that is.

Why do you think WWE doesn't seem to pay attention to small details? The Authority vanishes for only 34 days and then comes back. Three men were 'fired' on Raw but clearly they'll be back, Ryback has a match and Erick Rowan and Dolph Ziggler are most likely going to be in the Royal Rumble? 

I know why, Vince McMahon doesn’t think that they need to. He believes whatever story he chooses to tell his fans will “enjoy”. He doesn’t feel he needs to have continuity in the storylines.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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