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By Dave Scherer on 2014-11-30 09:59:00

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Can you think of better wedding present that WWE could have gotten Punk and AJ than officially firing him on their wedding day?

Well, I guess they could have filed a lawsuit against him, that would have been “better”. But hey, this is the company that fired Dawn Marie when she was out pregnant. Me, I would have waited a few days before dropping the pipe bomb on Punk. It was a cheesy thing to do on WWE’s part and comes across as petty. I wonder if they said, “Hey, we usually ruin weddings on our shows, why not do it in real life?” OK, I don’t really wonder that.

Often wrestlers cannot leave their wrestling character behind in their daily lives, many can.  What is HHH like in real life?  Approachable?  Easy to talk to?  Or is what you see what you get?  How about Stephanie?  Who are the top 3 people at WWE that are most like the real deal in and out of ring, in your opinion?

Just like anyone, it depends on who you are. If you are someone he likes, you will get along well with him. If you are someone he doesn’t like, it won’t be as pleasant. He is just like anyone else. Think about it like this, if you were in his position, in a business that calls for guys to fight and politic to get ahead, how would you be? Me, I would play the game too (pun intended). If you don’t, you are in the mid card looking up. With that said, since he has taken on a management position I have been told he is very open to the talents since his job calls for it. Stephanie is very approachable as well. I don’t want to answer the last question because I haven’t dealt with everyone on the roster.

I have seen reports that Triple H “wants to kill” CM Punk for the things he said about him in his shoot interview with Colt Cabana. Can you confirm that?

Wants to kill him? No, all I can confirm is that HHH wants to make Punk a eunuch. I didn’t hear about a murder plot. Seriously, as I type this on Saturday morning, consider this. The interview dropped on Thanksgiving, when WWE was off and the family was celebrating the holiday. You sent this question on Thanksgiving night. I have talked to people in WWE that have said things like, “I bet HHH wants to kill him” but they don’t mean literally. I doubt HHH has even talked about the interview with more than a few people. He is a smart guy and knows how to not sell things like that. Is he pissed about what Punk said? I would bet he is, who wouldn’t be? But I highly doubt that when he heard it on Thanksgiving, he picked up the phone and started calling people saying he was going to kill CM Punk.

Why doesn't a supposed billion dollar company like WWE not have wrestlers sign confidentiality agreements? This is common practice in corporate America and even independent contractor gigs like political campaigns. It seems WWE would save themselves a lot of headaches if former workers  knew they could be sued for bashing the company.

That is a damn good question. I would think after the interview with CM Punk the company would be smart to investigate implementing the policy. Hell, I would have done it already if I were them. The only reason I can think of is the independent contractor designation because I know they have had people on creative sign those in the past. Maybe they are thinking if they do that, it makes the case that the wrestlers are employees instead of contractors. But at this point, I think it is something they really need to do, to protect themselves.

I read your article about the CM Punk situation and I was disgusted with the way he was treated. My question is, couldn't CM Punk be exaggerating a bit? We all know Punk loves stirring the pot and I just can't see WWE and the doctors they employ being that negligent. As far as the politics, this isn't the first case of Paul and Vince throwing their weight around. It happens literally on a daily basis and Punk knew that when he signed to WWE. If Vince doesn't like you, you're not getting promoted, plain and simple. I'm just asking, how didn't CM Punk see this coming years ago and what exactly was the truth?

Like I said in the piece I wrote on Friday, only HHH, Vince McMahon and Punk know what happened between the three of them. But where the injuries are concerned, I tend to believe him. For one thing, say what you want about Punk but I have always known him to be honest and subtle as a kick in the nuts. I know that the knee and elbow injuries he talked about were true and given the nature of what he said, I can’t believe he would say they made him work with what turned about to be a staph infection if it wasn’t true. That would open him up to a lawsuit from WWE. So if they don’t sue him, I believe he has the doctor’s report to back it up. And let’s be honest here, WWE has a “the show must go on” mantra. How many times have you seen pictures of a guy get staples in his head at a PPV on Sunday and wrestle on a Monday (which I have always thought was insane)? Guys work hurt all the time and let’s not forget that Owen Hart died on a PPV and the company continued the show. I don’t think that Punk has any interest in “stirring the pot”. We have been saying for months now that from what we have been told, Punk was done with wrestling in his mind (which doesn’t mean he won’t ever return but as he said in the interview he is done with it now). To me, the interview was him telling his side, in his words, without embellishment. I could hear how cathartic it was for him in doing it. Also, I think it’s pretty clear that Punk knew he wasn’t a chosen one in the eyes of Vince and HHH. He made a point, many times, that his goal was to change Vince’s mind about him. He got that, for sure.

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