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By Dave Scherer on 2014-05-13 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

If the app votes are legitimate, do they book 3 different matches so that the winner of the vote knows the match that he has? How does the winner of the vote know what his match will be within seconds of the vote being revealed?

The producers prepare them for all scenarios so they know how to react. And in most cases, they have a good idea what willw in.

Was there any point at all in putting the United States title on Sheamus, a title he last held three years ago? Sheamus held the title and then moved on to become World Heavyweight and WWE champion, so what's the point of him winning the US belt? Granted, Sheamus has dropped considerably in the ranks since he held the WHC and WWE titles, but has he really dropped so far that he is now a United States caliber wrestler?

Hopefully, it's to give him a renewed push. He deserves it. As for the US Title, I don't think it means much of anything anymore. I wish they would just get rid of it.

With Batista leaving soon and with the hints that they were dropping pre-WrestleMania, would it make sense that Dean Ambrose turns and joins Evolution?

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would hate that. I am loving The Shield as they are right now. For them turn Ambrose now would be a Russo-like "swerve" and that is not a good thing.

Do you feel that Emma will have a lot of her potential squandered if she ends up becoming a full-fledged comedy character? I mean, a pink Cobra?!

It doesn't look like it right now. They have been booking her as a comedy character when anyone who saw her work in NXT knows she can go. I have no problem with her having fun as a character but it shouldn't be the expense of what she can do in the ring. Then again, WWE doesn't exactly push the Divas for their work now do they?

I'd guess that many people know that wrestling is largely scripted, especially those that watch it. So then why does John Cena get so much hate from people? It's never really been up to him to win all the championships that he has or be the "superman" that he seems to be. Where are the people like myself that are saying, leave him alone, he's just doing his job? I wouldn't be surprised if Cena ever thought to himself "I just need to cut my losses and move on".

For some, they hate his adlibs, which are often painful to listen to. But it's mostly because he represents Vince's McMahon's booking and Vince's preference of making Cena a Superman character instead of a believable one. They see Cena's superiority something that comes at the expense of many other talents, and it's hard to argue with that. They see it as something that makes the product stale due to the sameness of Cena's character.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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