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By Dave Scherer on 2014-03-25 09:59:00

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

So I was watching Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect from SummerSlam' 91 on the network and it reminded me just how much of an asset Bobby Heenan's commentary was to the product. Not just because it was utterly hilarious ("You know why Stu and Helen Hart look concerned? They snuck in! They don't have any tickets!") but because it actually added to the quality of a match, rather than distracting from it. Do you think his type of commentary has a chance of returning once Vince is no longer in charge? And if so, who do you think might have the touch to be that type of commentator?

First, to have that kind of commentary you need an all time great like Heenan. He is a one of a kind talent. But yes, since Vince micromanages the announcing so much, we hear what he wants us to hear. When he is no longer around, it's possible whoever takes over that role may give the announce team more leeway to do their own things.

Is WWE really trying to get Daniel Bryan over? If that is the goal, it seems kind of stupid for HHH to handcuff him and bodyslam him on tables and throw him into barriers where he can't protect himself. It wouldn't surprise me if he had a broken arm after getting bodyslammed with his hands cuffed behind his back. And if Bryan is supposed to be that hurt from HHH's brutal beating, why isn't Brie Bella running out to beg HHH and Stephanie off. It would add more drama and realism. Why didn't anyone come down to help him?

One, Byran is a pro and knows how to take bumps. Two, Triple H is a pro and knows how to protect him. Three, the whole point is to get so much heat on H and sympathy on Bryan that when he wins, it gets an even bigger pop. That was a great end to Raw. Now, if WWE doesn't follow through and have him overcome all of the odds and win the Title at Mania, it will all be for naught but I think they are smarter than that.

I remember the good ole days of RSPW on Usenet and how much I enjoyed reading it. On that note, what was the first wrestling website to your knowledge?

Hmmm, it was probably Mike Samuda's site, I think it was called Micasa? Al Issacs did Scoops too. Of course, we were on the scene very early with 1Wrestling as well. used have audio of some of their hotline reports for free (RealAudio if I recall). What was the purpose? Granted, this was back when most households did not have internet but it still seemed like a strange thing to do.

Back then, ads on the internet paid really, really well so they actually made more money giving the hotlines away than they did charging for them. By that time, the 900 line business was on its last legs.

Do you think it's a bit unfair the way the WWE fans have treated Batista since his return? I mean, take Brock Lesnar for example. He's gone on record numerous times stating he has no interest in the business and that he's not a fan of WWE yet back in 2012, we welcomed him back with open arms giving him one of the biggest pops in recent memory. However, we boo Batista? A guy who loves and respects the WWE. Doesn't it seem a bit backwards?

There are a few things in play. One, Brock didn't come back and win the Title shot at WrestleMania, Batista did. Plus, he took the spot that the fans had been waiting all year for Daniel Bryan to get. WWE felt like Batista coming back was similar to The Rock's return. The fans clearly disagreed and let them know that. Batista would have gotten a much better reaction if he had come back and challenged Undertaker or Brock, but they put him in the Title match at Mania when the fans wanted Bryan there. So yes, he didn't deserve the reaction he got in one respect, but in another he did because he came back knowing he was going to win the Rumble and headline Mania.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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