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By Dave Scherer on 2014-03-26 09:59:00

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If The Attitude Era retuned with the current roster would it help WWE in any way, merchandise, ratings, PPV etc.?

You know, it seems that almost every time someone tries to relive the glory days it fails. The Attitude era succeeded for two reason, an all time great level of top talent and great booking at the top of the card. Also, what was new then isn't new now so it wouldn't resonate today the way that it did then. With different talent today you would have to do different things. The one constant is the booking. If it is at a high level, the product can be great.

I know a lot of people want Bryan to in the title match in Wrestlemania and win it but I do also want Bastita to win it is it possible that the WWE will split the title again at Wrestlemania? I would love to see in the match between Orton vs. Batista vs. Bryan, who ever got pin first will be temporary out of the match and the other two wrestler will battle out and the winner will choose which belt he want while both losers will wrestle again to get the other belt afterwords...kinda a win-win for WWE and the fans if they decided to do it wouldn't you agree?

Are you related to Big Dave? You are the only person I have heard say they want him to win the Title. And I hate that scenario. It would really cheapen the main event of Mania doing that.

Do you think CM Punk's appearance on Talking Dead will finally put the rumors of a WWE work to rest? By booking himself as Phil Brooks on Talking Dead on that particular night (not really sure how that works though) he directly targeted WWE programming...specifically Total Divas. If he did get himself specifically booked for that day to go up against the Total Divas premiere, doesn't that make him look a little immature and spiteful? And is he exploiting the contracted worker label by booking himself on competing shows (WWE says their competition are all other TV shows) when he is still under a WWE contract?

In order, the rumors of it being a work were stupid to begin with. I don't know who was "reporting" that but we have said all along that the situation was legitimate. So I don't listen to what people report as "rumors" when I know the truth. He has been on the show before, so I don't see it as spiteful. As you mentioned, he was booked by his real name, not his work name so many WWE fans would have no idea who Phil Brooks even is. So no I just see it as an opportunity was presented to do a show he likes and he did it.

One of the things that always disappoints me when watching older matches is that the original entrance music is never there. It's always a let down for me when it doesn't match my memory of the event. I understand that it's an issue of cost, but how much money are we talking about? Any idea how much is it would cost WWE to have the rights to all the various music that wrestlers have used over the years?

A lot. A whole lot. Look at it like this, if they do it, they have to do it for everything. That means paying Metallica for Enter Sandman, which ain't cheap. Paying Alice in Chains for Man In A Box, etc. The costs of doing it just aren't worth it to WWE.

Let's see if you can explain this to me. Kane is told that while acting as an executive, he can't touch anyone, unless he's in a match, because he would be fired (I believe they even said the board would fire him), yet Triple H and Stephanie get carte blanche to do whatever they want to Daniel Bryan while he's handcuffed. Why?

The easy answer is the right one, they are heels and they own the company so the rules don't apply to them.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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