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By Dave Scherer on 2012-07-30 09:59:00
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I don't get why everyone gets mad at WWE for not producing young talent. Vince McMahon HHH and many more have said no one gets you over but you and if you're not selling tickets you're not in the main event. So it's not WWE's fault. Look at Miz. He was at one time the man. So why would they take the Title off of him for no reason. Do you agree with me on this?

I can't agree or disagree with you because you made contradictory points.  I totally disagree with your first statement because it's not true. If WWE creative doesn't give a guy a chance on TV, there is no way he can get himself over.  WWE creative controls who has the chance to become a star and who doesn't.  And look at a guy who went to Youtube to get himself over, Zack Ryder.  Creative then did everything they could to kill his character after he got himself a buzz.  Plus, their overscripting of promos also takes away a guy's chance to adlib and connect with the crowd.  As for Miz, yes he was the man and then suddenly they stopped pushing him and then made him a whiner.  They did that, not him.  He can only do what they want him to do and let him do.

Since Edge is no longer under contract to the WWE. Can Edge still go by the name Edge for all outside projects or does he have to refer to himself as Adam Copeland. Does WWE own the name Edge because the lead guitarist in U2 also goes by that name?

I believe that WWE still owns the rights to the character/name as far as wrestling goes.  I am not sure where it stands with acting but he would probably be just as well using his real name anyway, especially the longer he is away from WWE.  As for the U2 guitarist, his trademark is for music and I am pretty sure it's The Edge.

I love the Punk heel turn. I feel like he was holding back and now can be the guy we saw last summer and more. My question is (and I know you're a huge Rock fan) if Punk makes it to the Rumble continuously as champ who would you like to see win? I think having Punk beat the Rock would do wonders for his status and career and from that point on could go on to be one of the best heels in the company's history. Thoughts?

There's a lot of ifs there.  I do think the Punk turn came out of nowhere as just a few weeks ago he was the virtuous guy that would rather lose the WWE Title than lie to AJ and have mad sex with a beautiful woman.  But with that said, I want to see what kind of heel he will be.  If WWE lets him be a man, for lack of a better term, then I am fine with it.  If they make the generic "he's a heel now so he is a coward and can only get anything done if he cheats" it will suck.  WWE has been killing their heels for a long time by not pushing them as credible, tough equals of the babyface (a.k.a. John Cena).  If they let Punk be credible, then the turn will be fun.  So if they book him properly sure, I would love to see him beat The Rock.  If they don't, he won't have the title by the Rumble.

With the 20th anniversary of Monday Night Raw coming this January, 2013, are there any developing plans for what kind of show that will be yet? Or is it too early to say?

They will make a big deal out of it, for sure.  It's a little early for them to be planning the details, but they will definitely be celebrating the anniversary, as they should.  It's a big deal.

We know that Steve Austin will wrestle again if it's the right opponent and circumstances. We know that he would like to wrestle Punk but only if he was a great heel rather than the "wimpy" ones that we have become accustomed to now in the WWE. Does CM Punk's new turn pave the way to a match with SA at Wrestlemania? Depending on how they book him from this Monday on RAW of course. Or do you think he would rather wait until a Wrestlemania when The Rock wasn't headlining?

As I said above, if they book Punk as a tough heel, one that can dominate in matches, it absolutely does.  Given Austin's neck and back issues, a brawl would be the best kind of match for him to have.  Anything that minimizes bumps on his back would be best.  If they book Punk as a strong, bad ass heel, it would be the perfect set up for an Austin match.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.


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