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By Dave Scherer on 2012-07-11 09:59:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Who writes John Cena’s promos? We’ve had to endure a lot of silly stuff from him in the past, but this past Monday when he went off on “Show Vader, Yoda McMahon,” etc, was perhaps the absolute worst. I don’t think I’ve ever been so glad to have Chris Jericho tell Cena to “shut the hell up.” But seriously, does Cena write these himself, or is it someone in Creative? And outside of Vince, does anyone have the power or ability to tell Cena that these things are getting out of hand? Cena is either extremely goofy to come up with this mess himself, or he’s the most selfless employee I’ve ever seen in that he will deliver ANY promo, no matter how immature or ridiculous it makes him look.

Creative puts the basic promos together but Cena has the ability to adlib in the ring.  It's something that WWE should take away from him because I agree with you, he often makes himself seem like an utter goofball.

I'm big fan of Brock Lesnar and delighted he did come back, but now I'm wondering what's the point of him coming back? He's had 1 match, appeared for and 20 mins (in total) on Raw, having another 1 match at SummerSlam and then is probably gone til WrestleMania. So what's the point and how bad of deal is it WWE, paying a guy millions to appear a hand full of times and than paying Cena the same to appear all the time. Surely sooner rather than later his pops are gonna go quite because fans are going to know exactly what's going to happen with him.

 The point was to bring in a big name at a time when they desperately need big names.  Lesnar was in the driver's seat so he got a 30 date contract.  That averages out to 2.5 appearances a month.  If they use him too much early in the year, they won't have for the most important time, which is from The Royal Rumble to WrestleMania.  So, they are biding their time now so that they can use him five days a month when they need him.  30 is not a large number so they have to judicious in how they use him.  They want him when it matters most.

Do you think that WWE had Cena and HHH miraculously shake off their "Lesnar inflicted injuries" as a way to save face should Lesnar screw them?

No, I think in the case of Cena they need him on the shows so he had to come back.  HHH has sold it much longer.  WWE doesn't worry about the past a whole lot.  Just look back to Kane returns, where he ran past the guy that injured him, Mark Henry, to get to Cena.

Why does it seem creative is hesitating to put Dolph Ziggler over? He has the look and all the ability to be a real star, and consistently has great matches with top talent. He can toe the ideal marketing line of face and heel and the crowd seems to be getting behind him more lately. Thoughts?

I have no idea.  I think he should be getting a look, and by that I mean beating a lot of guys as he rises up.  Instead, they put him in title matches that he loses.  It makes no sense at all to me and damages him in the eyes of the fans.  It's nuts!

Does the actual GM of Raw or Smackdown actually have do work or are they characters for the shows? I know John Laurinaitis works with talent relations but does someone like Teddy Long or Vickie Guerrero do other work for the WWE?

In the case of Long and Vickie, they are just performers. 

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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