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By Dave Scherer on 2012-06-18 09:59:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Do you think that Steiner starts to be going way too far with his rants? I'm certainly not the biggest fan of Bischoff or Hogan, but Steiner's lines (no pun intended) about Hogan's daughter and Bischoff's wife have been extremely personal, too personal for my taste. To me, it starts to seem as if Steiner starts to go that route more and more because his original, (and not so far ago justified) points, the low quality and weak ratings of impact, are falling apart.

Is it very personal?  Absolutely.  Is it too far?  It's right in that gray area in my opinion.  To me, Brooke made herself a target when she joined the business.  She went from only being Hogan's daughter to someone who is getting a payday from wrestling, so she has brought herself into the situation to a degree.  Plus, she has responded to Steiner which gives him the right to fire back.  In the case of Bischoff he has gotten very personal with Steiner and Steiner has responded in kind.  He is quoting testimony from The Gold Club trial, which Bischoff's wife was a part of.  It is a matter of public record.  To me, Bischoff has taken low shots and Steiner has responded in kind. If you play with fire you can't complain if you get burned.

Well, I'm listening to your Tuesday show and you and Mike were ranting about WWE's moronic, disrespectful segments from recent TV where Vince McMahon and Hornswoggle mocked Jim Ross. Do you know why Vince thinks this garbage is funny? Also, will there come a time when JR will just totally lose it and sue WWE for public humiliation, if that's possible? This has gone too far.

To answer the second question first, I don't ever see JR doing that.  He has too much respect for the business and Vince himself to do that.  As for Vince, he does it because he thinks he is ranking on a friend.  He doesn't see it as humiliating one.  How he doesn't see that however, I have no idea.  It always makes me think of the old line "with friends like that, who needs enemies!"  But the fact is Vince likes JR.  He just has a bizarre way of showing it.

I don't understand why Chris Masters was let go from WWE, and I'm probably not supposed to anyway, but I saw a pic of his entrance and read he did a dark match last week for Impact. PLEASE tell me they're in negotiations. He would work so well with that company and in his late days at WWE really showed his growth tenfold in the ring. Any news on him?

Well, Masters wasn't very good back in the day but he has worked hard and improved a lot.  WWE knows he is out there and hasn't brought him back, at least not yet.  TNA gave him a shot and Hulk Hogan is friendly with him so it wouldn't surprise me if he were to get a deal there.

With Sting being the first inductee into to the TNA HOF, does that mean a possible WWE HOF is out of the question?

Out of the question?  I don't think so.  Down the road it's possible that the sides could do a deal.  I don't think being in one HOF precludes someone from being in the other.  For example, Kurt Angle belongs in both.  So we will see how it works out as time goes by.

What's your opinion about the Joseph Park character, and how he is being portrayed by his "brother," Chris. You know, Abyss. I think it shows how much more of a range that Chris Parks can portray than just a Kane/Mankind hybrid. Your thoughts?

I think he has shown more range as an "actor" with the role.  The flip side to me is that it also shows why he has been masked his who career.  He looks like a really nice guy without the mask on, far less intimidating.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.


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