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By Dave Scherer on 2012-06-17 09:59:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Ok, so there's been a lot of reference to the WWE roster being thus right now, and asking how they'll fill three hours of quality TV. I really don't think the issue is a lack of quality talent. I think the issue is the use of quality talent. As long as we are still getting five minute, intros included, segments go Brodus and Ryback killing guys, there will be a problem. The E needs to make people care about these guys by booking them to compete. The tag division getting two ten minute segments, at least, each week, would be a start. Making feuds that matter would be a good step too. When you have guys like Swagger, Ziggler, Rhodes, Punk. Bryan, Kofi who are solid workers, plus others, it really shouldn't be this tough. I am not saying they all need to be in the WWE title picture, but they can surely entertain. Now, soapbox put aside, do you think that the extra hour of Raw is the E's answer to everyone claiming that there is not enough 'time' to make people care between PPVs? One extra hour a week means the basic equivalent of two extra Raws per month. I know to those of us out here looking in, it won't seem like it makes sense, but obviously, they won't be cutting down on PPVs due to revenue generated, but do you suppose this might be their 'answer'?

The extra hour is about one thing, USA wanting it.  They have plenty of time to make guys with Raw as it is now.  They just haven't committed to doing it.  Unless they start doing that and really getting behind guys and actually pushing them so that they matter, the extra hour won't mean a thing in that regard.

Ok, so The Pope is in The Dark Knight Rises, and I didn't hear it here first? Say it ain't so! (Seriously, did I miss that article because I check every day for the past couple years?) and if I'm just "spacing" when I read at times did miss it, or it wasn't reported, is there any other info you could throw up about it?

 It ain't so!  We did indeed mention it on December 29, 2011. 

They claim Big Show is a beast and Cena is the stereotypical superman, but why should I give two sh... "poops" as Cena would say, about the match? It's technically Loser vs. Loser when you think about recent relative numbers.

I don't know that I would call it loser vs. loser but yes, I agree with you.  There is not much in the match that I am looking forward to either.  It certainly has a feeling of sameness to it.  I would much rather see something fresher.  This match is a major reason that there isn't much buzz for tonight's show.

Here's a question for you. Is Evan Bourne done in the WWE? Or are they preparing him to return? And with R-Truth being out with a broken foot, will they put Air Boom back together???

Bourne is currently rehabbing a foot injury.  When it heals, we will see what they have planned for him, if not before.  With him having two strikes, I think WWE will proceed carefully with him, if they proceed at all.

Rumors have been going around about Rock vs. Brock at WrestleMania 29. But now rumors have started where Brock Lesnar will face Undertaker. Which is more likely to happen?

 Of the two, I would go with Rock vs. Brock but things can change.  If Brock decides that he doesn't want to stay on after Mania, it would make a lot of sense to have him job to The Undertaker.  It would be kind of poetic as well since many people feel part of the reason that Lesnar lost his passion for the business was he had a bunch of jobs to Taker in his future when he left WWE to try out for the NFL.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.


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