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By Dave Scherer on 2012-06-11 09:59:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

If Vince DID go bankrupt doing WrestleMania I (which from what I have heard there was always the chance going into it that he could have) what would he had done? Try any way he could to keep the WWF/E name alive with the talent he had at the time or put his tail between his legs and go into some other line of work?

Vince is not a "tail between his legs" kind of guy.  If he went bankrupt, it would depend on what kind of filing he did.  Some allow a company to continue operating with protection from their creditors.  Others say you have to shut down.  I think no matter what he would have kept promoting, be it as The WWF or under some other banner.  It was only after he conquered the wrestling business that he wanted to move on to "bigger" things.

I was just wondering, why does WWE even bother having someone mention that they're going to "sue" someone? None of those lawsuits are ever mentioned again on WWE TV. So, what is the point?

The HHH-Brock Lesnar situation is scheduled to be addressed next week.  But on a bigger scale, lawsuits are not the only storylines that WWE starts and never finishes.  The bigger question is why do they drop so many of them before giving the fans an ending and there is no good answer for that one.

I know this is not the most positive question, but it is a subject of curiosity. What are the repercussions to a company such as WWE or TNA, if a segment led to a wrestlers child being bullied/teased to the point of suicide? Suppose something like the Vince McMahon "kiss my ass club", or designing a character to be such a tool (like a Michael Cole) led to their child being bullied so horribly in elementary or high school by classmates due to this segment that they needed to seek psychological help, or worse yet decided to take their own life. Would thus company be held responsible, or is this a risk the wrestler/entertainer needs to accept as a parent and working for such a company?

Well, this is America where anyone can sue for anything but in my opinion there are two factors that come into play here.  One is that I really feel parents need to do a better job of policing and parenting their kids.  Most times if kids have a mean streak like that parents should be able to see it.  But more than that, if a kid is inclined to bully another to that degree, he/she is going to do it whether there is WWE programming or not. They could see it in another movie or TV show or web video.

In regards to the push Ryback is getting as being a huge, muscular guy-- isn't Ezekiel Jackson even bigger than Ryback? Why does he not get the push as the monster?

Man, I wish I could tell you.  I saw a lot of potential in Zeke and for whatever reason, they have just killed the guy.  I don't get it either, I really don't.  I really wonder if WWE will end up doing the same thing to Ryback.  There has definitely been a booking pattern that has developed over the years.

There is a question I have that has always nagged me. What caused 47 year old Ray Fernandez to die from heart disease? 47 years old is certainly way to young to have a serious medical condition like that, and he always appeared to be in great shape. I understand you gentlemen are not doctors, but can you shed any light on this at all?

You are correct, I am not a doctor and I don't know what medical issues he had and I won't speculate.  But what I can say is that seemingly healthy people die prematurely from heart disease every day.  Just because someone looks healthy doesn't mean that they are.  Heart disease has many causes and it can attack quickly.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.


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