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By Dave Scherer on 2012-06-10 09:59:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Do you think Jeff Hardy will return to WWE, and whether he does or not, do you think he will eventually go into the WWE HOF?

If Jeff can stay on the straight and narrow, given WWE's dearth of top talent and their penchant for using older stars from better times to get pops, I could see him making a return.  But, he has to stay on the straight and narrow and stay out of trouble.  And sure, provided he does that I could see him getting into the HOF down the line.  He certainly deserves it.

Do you find it weird how every person in the Raw MIB match at the 2010 iPPV is currently not competing for WWE for some kind of reason (reasons are injury suspension retirement filming movie and not with company anymore)?

I didn't even know that to be honest but I think it points out how poorly WWE has booked the younger talent.  The whole point of that match is to put up and coming guys in it and give them a chance to go to the top of the card.  It's pretty clear that they blew it there.

With The Undertaker's career coming to end, do you think WWE will try to build somebody else to have an undefeated streak, I don't who it could be, but surely they could up another guy, whether it works or not is a completely different question.

I hope that they don't do that to be honest.  To me, the only way I even consider it is if Taker himself decided that he wanted to do it.  I think the streak is a great thing and I would like it to stay intact.  But if they had the right guy beat him, in the right way, it could get that guy over a lot.  Of course, the flip side is that it could tick the fans off and they won't accept it.  It's a dicey proposition.

What if WWE makes it so that a King of the Ring winner gets a title shot and Ryback walks in and smashes them all, wins the KOTR and beats Sheamus becomes Champion?  This guy could be something special..I'd even go as far to saying champion by the time next year. What are your thoughts?

 I think it's way to soon to project that far ahead.  Thus far, he has been squashing jobbers.  I want to see him work real matches.  Anyone can squash guys if they are remotely talented.  I also want to hear him do some promos.  Until I see more of what he has to offer I think it's way to soon to do what you suggested, especially at a time when Sheamus is getting over as a real top guy.

I saw a headline on another site that said, "Mark Madden weighs in on Randy Orton suspension" and I Immediately thought to myself that I hoped that the scale was reinforced. Does that make me a bad person?

Well, given the fact that Madden has ripped people for lesser things in the past I don't think so. If you put yourself out in the public eye, you open yourself up for ridicule.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.


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