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By Dave Scherer on 2012-06-05 09:59:00
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Did I really just see Big Zeke job out to Damien Sandow on Smackdown?  Doesn't Vince McMahon realize that if he keeps killing guys with potential that sooner or later there won't be any new guys left?

You did.  I don't get it either.  I get that Zeke may not be the finished product yet but he had something.  I don't get why they have buried him.  Then again, I don't get why they have buried a lot of the young guys.  If Vince realizes it, he has a strange way of showing it.

I know he's been buried and, would be hard to be taken serious at this point but, do you feel that Drew McIntyre could be a big star? Too me, he is great in the ring and almost like a ring general in the squared-circle, his facials and selling for a guy his size are off-the-charts good, he is pretty good on the mic when given opportunity and, not a bad actor (compared to a lot of the roster). I just don't get it. He seems to have the "it" factor and, has just been wasted away.

I think he has a lot of potential but like Zeke in the above question, he has fallen out of favor.  If Vince isn't behind guys, they have no chance to succeed.  We have seen that time and time again.

Have things gotten so bad with Ryback already that they need to have the jobbers chant "Roll Tide" in order to get him cheered?

 I don't know if they are that bad yet.  There have been a few times when Ryback didn't get the reaction that he wanted but I think it was more a case of them trying to ensure a reaction for him on Smackdown.

Are you surprised that WWE hasn't tried to pick up Mike Bennett? I know he is under contract but, he seems right up WWE's alley. Not just because of his look but, he can talk and has tons of charisma, also pretty good in the ring. I see $$$ $signs with him. Thoughts?

I am sure WWE is aware of him but like you said, as long as he is under contract they can't sign him.

I was wondering about the reason why Austin vs. Hogan never happened at WrestleMania XVIII. I'd always heard that it never happened because they couldn't agree to an outcome to the match. I've recently heard that it was because Austin didn't want to work with Hogan because of the way Hulk treated him back in WCW. More recently, I was watching 2011's SCSA: The Bottom Line on the Most Popular Superstar of All Time and there was the part where Austin expressed some dissatisfaction with Rock being the one to face Hogan at WrestleMania in 2002. Any clarification as to what really happened behind the scenes back then?

First and foremost, it didn't happen because Hogan went into business for himself, publicly saying he wanted to work Austin before he ever actually talked to Austin.  That is not the way you do business.  You agree to terms first, then promote the match.  But oh yeah, Austin held a grudge against Hogan for how he felt Hogan treated him in WCW.  Hogan had major stroke when Eric Bischoff fired Austin (while he was injured no less) via courier.  The only way Austin would have ever worked with Hogan in WWE is if Hogan did the job and as Shawn Michaels found out the hard way, Hogan didn't have any desire to do that back then.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.


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