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By Dave Scherer on 2012-05-22 09:59:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Vince wanted to give Kane a three foot penis in his movie?  Really?  Is he insane?

If what writer Dan Madigan claimed is true, it would certainly be one of the most bizarre things I have ever heard of.  It is totally nuts.  

Why do you think people say that ROH only appeals to a "niche" audience? I don't find that to be the case.. Yea, I'm what people would consider to be a "die-hard" fan but, I feel like ROH appeals to more than just a "niche" audience.. It's good wrestling, easy- to-follow stories and, a consistent show.. I understand that production could be alot better and, believe it will be over time.. But, ROH isn't like ECW in the sense that it's not overly hardcore and, not overly profane.. I loved ECW but, I always understood the argument of a "niche" audience with them.. With ROH, I don't get that argument.. The only complaint I have with ROH besides iPPVs is that sometimes, I think they go a lil over- the-top with trying to sound like they are MMA or something.. It comes off kind of corny at times.. But, I also love the in-ring realism it brings.. Thoughts?

When I think of ROH being a niche product it's more because they have limited distribution and don't run regularly on PPV.  If you are not available nationally that pretty much makes you niche by definition.

WWE is putting on at least six hours of TV a week, plus 3 more when there's a pay per view and adding an extra hour of Raw in the year near future. That will be 10 hours a week! Add in the fact that they're trying to launch a television network in an age where less and le people are watching TV and they're doing this on top of the fact that their film company is losing millions of dollars per year. While all of this is happening, ratings are not at their best, the roster is very thin and lacking major stars, and, to put it bluntly, aside from Punk's awesome promo last year, they haven't really produced anything that the public really looked at as "cool" in years. With all of that said, do you think that WWE is expanding their business at too fast of a rate when their really is no demand for it and that their core source of revenue - putting on good wrestling shows and creating superstars - is suffering as a result? As a fan, I find it kind of funny that I have more WWE at my disposal than ever, but I find myself watching less and less week to week.

What the extra hour of Raw points out to me is how much they are dependent on the revenue that they draw from NBC Universal.  I have not heard what the payout will be for the extra hour yet but let's say it's 10 million dollars per year, which is less than they are getting per hour of Raw right now.  That is the equivalent of five PPV shows that only draw them two million dollars.  It is kind of like taking the known over the variable.  Plus, it allows them to move those same five PPVs to their network and thus have something that will draw an audience.  I agree with what you said about the must see factor and I would rather that they get that back to doing that regularly but I see why they are taking the guaranteed money, especially when they need Comcast, which owns NBC Universal, in their rollout of the network.

This may have been hit upon before, but if you guys could take a few minutes I’d love to hear what your favorite match was that you attended live and the most memorable match that you witnessed via ppv. I know its kind of water cooler talk, but you all do so much covering the current state of the product and I know that what the job is, but I think that many of your readers would love to read your thoughts on this.

My favorite card was the Barely Legal PPV because it was the culmination of what so many people that I liked and respected worked so hard to achieve.

I've noticed in the past few months leading up to 'mania that the promos and action were definitely higher than PG. They bleeped some of it out, but given the shows that are on the same channel do the same thing and are TVMA. I read you guys were saying this is usual "mania set up to gain interests and it dies down after. Now with Brock brought into the picture and these promos are still going with the harsh language and that match with Cena and Brock, do you think we could potentially be on an up swing or middle of the road we've been waiting for?

They have been definitely pushing the envelope as far as they can to see what they can get away with.  I am all for them continuing to do it and hope that they are. Kids will always be interested in the business.  Making adults care is where the incremental revenue comes from.

In a follow up from yesterday, our old buddy Sal sent word that John Laurinaitis' story about Steve Williams wrecking his voice is actually true.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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