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By Dave Scherer on 2012-04-18 09:59:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

  Should TNA be worried that WWE's effectively came into their state and attracted all the wrestling fans in Florida so much so that there as been no reports sent in in from last night's (2nd April) tapings. I also read 2 other wrestling websites as well and even they don't have spoilers sent in. In fact the only note has been that RVD work the tapings.

TNA should be concerned about a lot of things honestly.  The way that the creative end of their company is run has not grown business.  Bringing in expensive, older guys hasn't grown business either.  They continue to make the wrong decisions and when you do that, it's no shock to me that WWE can come into town and steal their audience.

Obviously Brock is now back with the WWE part time but shouldn't he owe all the young guys in the back an apology seeing as it is mainly his fault they keep getting stop start pushing. I only say that its his fault be cause it seems that when he came in Vince pushed him to the moon and burn Vince so bad he has been scared to do the same in case they do a Brock.

You make a good point but I don't see ANY chance of Brock doing that, nor would I if I were him.  Yes, he burned Vince but the way that the boss reacted to it was a him thing.  Vince has cut off his nose to spite his face there and in the end it falls on him, not Brock.

Do you think it would have been better if Brock would have attack The Rock and Cena make the save the day after Mania? It would make Brock look more of a heel attacking Rock in his hometown and make Cena a stronger babyface.  The way they are doing now they are getting mixed reactions.  People are happy to see Brock back in the WWE and the normal Cena reactions.

Since they are going right into Cena-Brock, I don't have a problem with how they did it other than it should have been done at Mania when they were getting the most coverage.  I get where you are going but I don't see Rock wanting to get beat down and not respond right away.

Don't you think it makes Chris Jericho look weak when he always attacks Punk after Punk has been beaten down?

Weak?  No.  Sneaky, yes.  I don't see it being a big issue.  He is playing a despicable heel and his actions have been consistent with that.

Okay so I just watched the Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan "match" at Wrestlemania and wanted to ask what you think the odds are that, considering WWE's mishandling of him, Bryan would just day screw it when his contract ends and head back to ROH?

I will say 90 to 10 against it.  He knew what he was getting into when he left the indies to go to WWE.  He knew it was time to earn money and that hasn't changed.  WWE is the place he can earn the most and he knows that.

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