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By Dave Scherer on 2012-04-17 09:59:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Here’s a question for you: how does bringing back The Rock, Brock Lesnar, and Lord Tensai help develop future superstars and divas? Lord Tensai is currently destroying potential future superstars (giving people less incentive to care about them), and The Rock and Brock seem to be working with John Cena exclusively, and in doing so are eating up TV time that up-and-coming talent desperately need to connect with and develop their fan base so they can make money for WWE (and themselves). I understand that in this case, it’s far easier to “recycle” than to “build,” but is it really the case that the hierarchy in WWE is just following the path of least resistance? How can they possibly be so short-sighted (even though it’s a fairly common trait among people)? What will it take to change their philosophy? I realize that’s more than one question, so if you’d like to be selective in answering them, I certainly won’t complain. Thanks again for all you do.

I wish I had good answers for you.  I have said the same exact things.  Bringing in Brock and Rock should be done in conjunction with promoting young talent, not at their expense.  Thus far, WWE has done everything wrong in that respect and it explains why the core business numbers haven't jumped.  The idea with using older stars is to bring back lost fans to show them how things have improved since they left.  Instead, WWE shows them how they have stayed the same, turning them off in the process.  At this point, I think the only real impetus for change will come when NBC Universal forces the company to change the way they are booking their show.  And that will come when the ratings slide further south.  Trust me, USA knows that the numbers are not on the upswing.

How is it that Mark Henry and Sheamus are on the same side holding back Lesnar when one is a face and the other is a heel? Am I asking for logic where there is none by asking that question. 

It really doesn't make any sense.  I don't like when WWE shows guys "out of character" on their shows but at least they can say that it's outside of the TV product.  What you cited makes no sense at all.

Scott Hall's most recent arrest breaks my heart. Because of his sad case, and because part of my family has had trouble with alcoholism in the past, would you understand if I told you that I was less than comfortable with the current direction of Jericho-Punk though I do understand it's being done to get Jericho over as a heel?

I have to be perfectly honest here.  I used to feel very badly for Hall but to me the bottom line is that he is well in to his fifties and there comes a point in everyone's life where they need to step up and deal with their issues.  Hall just won't do it, for whatever reason.  I get that he has been through some bad things in his life, but so have a lot of people.  They don't all exhibit the self-destructive tendencies that Hall does.  How a person deals with adversity says a lot about their character, or lack thereof.  Hall's repeated bad behavior shows me someone who just won't change so I can't say I feel sorry for him anymore.  I do pity him, but I don't feel sorry for him.  As for the storyline, I can surely understand how you feel the way you do.  It's definitely understandable.

Does anyone know how over Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger really are with WWE crowds? And wouldn't you agree that at this point, the best thing to do with them is to get them out from under Vickie Guererro's shadow? I mean, once she blurts out "EXCUSE ME," the heat is deafening. I've been curious to see how crowds would react if Ziggler and Swagger came out on their own. I'd love to see them get over again, since their potential has been squandered by mindless booking.

They are not as over as they could be, largely because WWE has booked them poorly.  I agree, if WWE wants to see what they have in those two it's time to push them and see where it goes.  Right now, the crowd sees them as a midcarders because that is what WWE has presented them as.

I enjoy this site so much, and hearing your opinions, and I had a whole list of questions about the rampant stupidity of the shows lately. Every show I see, I get closer to not watching anymore. But since that list got too dang long, I just wanted to ask you this : Are we on a sinking ship? If it will get better, how long do you think it will take? And what will need to happen to make it sensible again? I know there are no real answers, maybe I am looking for some encouragement to keep watching after watching the slide for so long. Been watching for 50 years, and this is the first time I have ever thought of not watching…and not caring. So I would love to hear your opinions.

Wow, 50 years?  You have been around for a while.  I think it's hard to say that the ship is sinking when WWE is still generating a lot of revenue and TNA just got a two year extension from Spike TV.  With that said, there are definitely problems with the creative ends of both companies.  My advice is to record the shows and zip through what you don't want to see and watch what you do.  You never know when things will turn around.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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