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By Mike Johnson on 2012-04-03 11:14:23
Oprah Winfrey was interviewed by CBS Morning News about the difficulties she's had in launching and running her own cable network, OWN, admitting if she had known how hard it was going to be, she probably would have "done something else."

Winfrey, who's network launch has been compared to WWE's plans and even commented on by Vince McMahon publicly, stated, "I didn’t think it was going to be easy, but I did not know — if I knew then what I know now, I might’ve made some different choices. I would say, if I were writing a book about it, I could call the book ’101 Mistakes.' "

Winfrey also noted that she's taken the media hits to heart and that among the mistakes were launching the network before they were ready, simply because they had announced a launch date.

With the proposed WWE Network set to change the entire fabric of the company, certainly the interview is something Vince McMahon and the other WWE officials need to take to heart.

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