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By Mike Johnson on 2012-03-30 10:00:00
Is it my understanding that Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) is becoming an advisor/mentor to WWE Diva AJ Lee? He has been at her corner when she has fought both Brie and Nikki Bella (The Bella Twins) in two seperate matches with Lee winning both. I wonder what would happen if she were to lose in a match? Would he turn his back on her? Is that the plan?

My guess is that if she lost, his character would browbeat her for letting him down.

Throughout the history of professional wrestling managers have been a vital part of the sport. From The Grand Wizard to Bobby Heenan. From Lou Albano to Jim Cornette. From JJ Dillon to Jimmy Hart. No offense but were all these men legitimate wrestling managers? I mean did they have licenses to be wrestling managers? Does one need a license? Did they actually have clients/wrestlers signed under contract? To represent them in negotiations, promotions things like that?

The only legitimate manager that I can think of is Paul Ellering, who handled all the travel and investments for the Road Warriors as well as negotiations. Beyond that, it was just part of the show. They were licensed as performers, the same as wrestlers.

Why has TNA stopped putting out DVDs?

They haven't. The company doesn't currently have a national DVD distributor. Until they sign a new deal, they will release DVDs via their website.

Whatever happened to the WWF Womens Title belt that Madusa dumped into a trash can on TV when she marked her first appearance for WCW?

Madusa has it.

What are the chances of legendary former WWWF ladies champion Madusa being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame? Wendi Richter made it. Why not Madusa?

Perhaps one day, but I don't see it anytime soon. I know some people say that what she pulled on Nitro would prevent her from getting in, but Superstar Graham lied on national TV claiming Pat Patterson molested ring boys, yet he still ended up in their Hall.....

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