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By Dave Scherer on 2012-03-26 09:59:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

I have a question related to the WWE Hall of Fame. Since the Wrestlemania in Orlando there has been lots of internet discussion and actual WWE discussion of an actual physical structure in a tourist area such as Orlando. Do you have any idea of possible locations like the NYC area? What is the WWE waiting for to construct a building? This would seem to me to be an excellent time to announce the construction of such a building with WrestleMania in just a few weeks.

All we have heard this far is talk.  Honestly, I feel just the opposite from how you do.  Given how soft Raw's ratings have been of late it shows that the Mania buzz isn't huge right now.  Given the fact that they are getting ready to debut their new network (or so they say) the physical museum is on the back burner.  With that said, I honestly don't think it will be a success if they ever do it.  WWE doesn't have a big enough of a fan base to make the Hall a success in my opinion, as we saw with their restaurant in NY.  I like the idea of making it an Axxess exhibit at Mania, but beyond that I don't think it would be a success.

I hear that creative is planning something for The Miz at WM. I am only hoping, and have my fingers crossed, that it does not mean he will be interfering in the Rock/Cena match. I think that after all this time, a year now, for there to be anything but a clear cut winner, it would be such a shame and a waste. But you know creative :( So what do you think?

I don't see any way that a guy who has been pushed as a loser would interfere in the match that they are selling the show on.  If they did send him out there it would be to take both guys' finishers.  But again, I don't see it happening.  

I just watched "Back Door to Chyna" and was wondering if you guys on the site had seen it and what you thought of it? I actually thought One Night in China was better!

Stu has admitted to watching the original.  I have never seen either and have no desire to.  I don't care about spending a night in her or accessing her front, screen or back door.

If Cena's car accident had been serious enough to keep him out of the WrestleMania main event, how would you expect WWE to deal with it and how would you like to see WWE deal with it?

There really is no equitable way for WWE to deal with it.  They have booked Cena so that he is really not replacable.  I think if it the accident had been worse and knocked him out of the Mania match, their best option would have been to move Randy Orton into the spot.  They sure as hell hope that doesn't happen.

People always talk about Wrestlemania moments. I am not a Miz fan at all. And I don't mean heel heat. To me he is the Michael Cole of the wrestlers. I just don't see Miz as a wrestler and I find him annoying. I mean the guy's favorite wrestler growing up was the Ultimate Warrior... really? Nuff said. He should go back to doing Real World Challenges on MTV. What I would like to see at Mania is for him to get in the ring complain on the mic about how he doesn't have a match, main evented last year, and is calling out anyone from the back. Then Brock Lesnar's music hits and comes out to a huge pop, squashes him with the F5 in about 30 seconds. What do you think?

Did Miz steal your girlfriend or you lunch money at an earlier point in life?  Wow, where's the heat?  Anyway, given how Miz has been booked, that would be a really bad way to return Lesnar.  If Brock is coming back it would have to be for something big, not something relatively insignificant.  WWE would want to do something to create a buzz and get people to tune into Raw the next day, especially given the hefty price tag that Brock would cost them.  If he were to return at Mania, I would have him attack John Cena after his match with The Rock.  Mike Eps and I detailed the scenario we would use on today's mailbag.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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