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By Mike Johnson on 2012-03-14 14:27:11
DGUSA issued the following announcement today:
EVOLVE 10 DVD In Stock & Shipping

The controversial, action-packed and historic EVOLVE 10: A Tribute To The Arena DVD is now in stock and shipping from the Store or by calling 267-519-9744.
It's a night no one will forget as we say goodbye to the former ECW Arena with the final wrestling event ever in those legendary walls. The card saw extreme favorites, great matches and an ending that people either loved or hated.
See extreme legends New Jack, Balls Mahoney, Sabu and Justin Credible and others get hardcore in that building one more time. Witness the gutsy effort by Johnny Gargano as he fights through a back injury to defend the Open The Freedom Gate Title against Ricochet. See the Chuck Taylor & Rich Swann vs. Super Smash Brothers match steal the show. Plus, much, much more. Just look at this lineup:
-Arena Closing Ceremony with Sabu vs. Justin Credible and extreme surprises
-Open The Freedom Gate Title Match: Johnny Gargano defends vs. Ricochet
-Sami Callihan vs. Bobby Fish
-Jon Davis vs. Kyle Matthews
-Chuck Taylor & Rich Swann vs. Super Smash Brothers
-Uhaa Nation vs. Pinkie Sanchez
-Jigsaw vs. AR Fox
-John Silver & Alex Reynolds vs. Scott Reed & Caleb Konley
-Cheech vs. Cloudy
-Low Ki vs. Ahtu
EVOLVE and DGUSA DVDs ship and play anywhere in the world. We pride ourselves on high-quality DVDs that give you the most value for your money. Order this DVD now and own history!!!

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