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By Richard Trionfo on 2012-02-23 23:41:54
We start off this week’s show with the Raw brand and your announcers are Josh Mathews and Scott Stanford.

Match Number One: Alex Riley versus Michael McGillicutty

They lock up and Michael backs Alex into the corner but Alex turns the situation around and he gives a clean break. They lock up again and they go into the corner again. Michael pie faces Alex and Alex pushes Michael back. They circle each other and lock up again with Riley getting a side head lock take down. Riley with a hammer lock but Michael with an elbow and punch.

Michael with a kick and punch in the corner. Riley with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner and then he punches Michael from the turnbuckles and then he adds a DDT from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Alex with a wrist lock followed by a kick and butterfly take down for a near fall.

Michael goes to the apron and he grabs Riley’s leg and pulls him to the mat and slams his leg into the apron. Michael pulls Alex off the apron and to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Michael with a reverse chin lock on Riley. Riley with punches after he gets to his feet. Michael misses a drop kick when Riley holds on to the ropes and then he gets a near fall with a jackknife cover. Michael with a clothesline for a near fall. Michael with a snap mare and a leap frog neck snap, like his father used to and he gets a near fall.

Michael with forearms across the chest and he returns to the reverse chin lock. Michael with a kick and elbow in the corner. Michael sends Alex into the turnbuckles and punches him. Michael with a running back elbow into the corner and he gets a near fall. Michael returns to the rear chin lock.

Riley with a head butt and STO and both men are down. Riley with a running forearm followed by a clothesline and then he hits a spinebuster. Riley with a leaping DDT for a near fall. Michael with a Saito suplex and he gets a near fall. Michael goes up top but he takes too long and Riley hits the ropes and it crotches Michael.

Riley goes up and he hits a hip lock take down from the turnbuckles but he can only get a two count. Riley gets Michael up for the TKO but Michael escapes and hits Riley with a clothesline to the back of the head and hits the running snap neck breaker for the three count.

Winner: Michael McGillicutty

Match Number Two: Mason Ryan versus Tyler Reks with Curt Hawkins

Reks with a waist lock into a side head lock but Ryan pushes Reks away. Reks talks to Hawkins and they Reks goes for the arm and tries for a top wrist lock but Ryan sends Reks over the top rope to the floor. Reks gets back into the ring and he kicks Ryan and punches him followed by kicks.

Ryan sends Reks into the turnbuckles and kicks him. Ryan with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Ryan with a shoulder tackle and Hawkins shows some distress over the situation. Ryan with a delayed vertical suplex and gets a near fall. Ryan sets for a power slam but Reks clips Ryan and hits a drop kick.

Reks kicks Ryan in the corner and then he hits Ryan in the back with a double sledge. Reks with the laces of his boot across Ryan’s face. Reks works on Ryan’s back and then he punches Ryan in the head. Ryan with an elbow and punches.

Reks with a kick to Ryan but Ryan sends Reks into the air and down to the amt. Ryan with a clothesline or two followed by a running shoulder into the corner. Ryan with a power slam and he gets a near fall.

Reks backs into the corner and then Reks with a flatline into the turnbuckles and then Hawkins hits Ryan with the cane and Reks with a version of a Dominator for the three count.

Winner: Tyler Reks

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

We are back and it is time for the Smackdown portion of this week’s show and your announcers are Matt Striker and Josh Mathews.

Match Number Three: Jinder Mahal versus Justin Gabriel

They lock up and Gabriel with a take down into a side head lock. Gabriel holds on to the side head lock when Mahal tries to escape. Gabriel holds on when Mahal tries for an Irish whip. Mahal with a shoulder tackle into a side head lock. Gabriel tries for a hip toss but Mahal blocks it.

Gabriel with a side head lock take down but Mahal with a punch and kicks. Mahal with a forearm to the back followed by an Irish whip but Gabriel floats over and then goes to the corner for a head scissors take down. Mahal with a kick but Gabriel with a jumping side kick and Mahal goes to the floor.

Gabriel goes to the ropes for a springboard move but he sees Mahal move out of the way and Gabriel jumps back into the ring. Gabriel tries for a baseball side but Mahal moves out of the way and hits a clothesline on the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Gabriel with a punch but Mahal with a knee for a near fall. Mahal with a cravate but Gabriel with a monkey flip and back slide for a near fall. Mahal with a kick to the knee followed by a neck breaker for a near fall. Mahal chokes Gabriel in the ropes and then uses his knee.

Mahal with a leg sweep followed by a few more knees to the upper chest. Mahal gets a near fall. Mahal with a hard Irish whip into the corner and Mahal takes his time and stands over Gabriel and slaps him in the face. Mahal with a back elbow for a near fall.

Mahal with a quarter nelson and chin lock but Gabriel gets to his feet and he connects with a knee. Mahal with a forearm and then he charges into the corner but Mahal misses a knee and hits the turnbuckles. Gabriel with a sit out chin breaker followed by a forearm and a spinning back heel kick. Gabriel tries for the Blue Thunder Driver but Mahal with an elbow.

Gabriel with a springboard cross body for a near fall. Gabriel with an Irish whip followed by a running forearm into the corner and a series of forearms. Gabriel with the Blue Thunder Driver but Mahal had his shoulder up.

Gabriel goes for a quebrada but Mahal gets his knees up and then Mahal with a running knee to the upper back and then he applies the camel clutch and Gabriel taps out.

Winner: Jinder Mahal

We go to credits.

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