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By Dave Scherer on 2012-01-15 09:57:00

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

The ECW Arena has ran its last show.  What is your favorite memory from there?

Wow, there are so many but if I had to pick one it would be the Barely Legal PPV in 1997.  Seeing the dream of so many talented people finally come true was just amazing to me.

What will it take for WWE's product to really improve?  Monday nights are painful now.

Honestly, I think it will take something that incapacitates Vince McMahon for an extended period of time since what we see on Raw is directly attributed to him and his vision.  It would have to be something serious, where Triple H, Stephanie Mac and Kevin Dunn know that Vince is out for a long period of time so that they would be in a position to move the product forward without his direct influence.  Other than that it would take NBC Universal to get in Vince's grill and say that the ratings are not acceptable and improvement is needed, immediately.  Maybe then he would be open to new ideas.  Maybe.

Do you think with WWE putting Smackdown on YouTube helps or hurts the TV ratings? I can see how having it available online may allow more access to people who don't have cable or who can't record it somehow. However, I can see how if you can get it online you don't need to record the show and help with ratings. Does SyFy care about that or are the SD ratings still strong in their eyes?

It only hurts if you the person watching it is a Nielsen family but I get what you are saying.  I think it's very telling that they would never do that with Raw, but sure, it's no problem for Smackdown.  Part of their reasoning is that with Smackdown on Friday, a lot of people miss it.  If SyFy moved it to be a better, more lucrative night, I bet WWE would pull the replay.

I have heard you guys saying that TNA has been better lately and I agree.  Then last week we heard Dixie Carter say she hasn't talked to Hulk Hogan in a while.  Are the two related?

I sure think they are.  Without Hogan on TV all the time guys like Bobby Roode and James Storm have been able to step up.  So have other guys like AJ Styles, Bully Ray, etc.  TNA has put Sting into the Hogan role and Sting is doing a great job in it.  He gets over what needs to get over without dominating the show.

So Raw doesn't have Monday Night Football or College football to blame for the drop in ratings.  What will they blame now?

Championship Canasta from Portugal.  They just can't compete.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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