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By Dave Scherer on 2012-01-10 09:59:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

With CM Punk bringing up The Dynamic Dudes, will we possibly see a cameo by Shane Douglas?

I think the chances are pretty slim, for a few reasons.  For one, it would be a super obscure reference that very few of WWE's fans would get.  For another, there is no real need to bring him in as he is not germane to the storyline.  But most importantly, WWE isn't exactly a big fan of Douglas' given how he left the company over a decade ago.  I don't see them going out of their way to toss him a pay day.

Given that Cena was kept off the recent TLC PPV, what are the chances that he will not be in the RAW Elimination Chamber match in February? It was a refreshing change for the company to focus on other wrestlers on the TLC PPV and I think there is a better than decent chance of that happening since they do need to make new stars.

Isn't it just an amazing coincidence that Cena was kept off that TLC PPV, which took place a week before Christmas and was expected internally to do a very low buyrate?  It sure is funny how those things happen!  If I was a skeptic I would say that they did it so people couldn't blame the bad buyrate on Cena.  Anyway, I think the best that you can hope for at the chamber is 50/50 that he won't be in the match.  I don't expect him to actually win it, given he will be wrestling The Rock at WrestleMania, but if I had to guess I think he will be in the match.

As a longtime fan, I’ve watched this "dumbing down" of the product on WWE each week, and unfortunately it doesn’t appear to be changing the way most of us would like it moving forward. With that being mentioned, (if) you had the chance, how would you guys write the plots moving forward into WrestleMania XXVIII? Who would you match up, what feuds would you start, what stars would you build, what would be your headlining matches, and where would the titles end up?

To be perfectly honest with you I have never been a fan of fantasy booking but now that the product is, as you put it, so dumbed down on Monday nights, it would just frustrate me to throw out ideas that I know have no chance of being implemented.  To answer your question broadly, the approach we would take is to make the younger talents relevant, not secondary to the few established top guys that WWE has left.  I would also kill the Michael Cole character immediately and have the announcers do what they are supposed to, get over the wrestlers.  To me, the whole concept of the show should start with the ring and the guys in it.  I am not against adding entertaining bits mind you, but I just think that a show that is based on people pretending to fight in a ring should actually more about the people doing just that than about bad comedy bits and goofy characters that make no sense, such as a rambling announcer that thinks he is a tough guy and rarely gets put in his place when he shoots off his mouth. 

Why would the WWE go after Brock Lesnar so bad (you mentioned they have tried at least twice to get him back)? Aren't they kind of afraid that he might try to pull a fast one on them and/or want to leave at the height of any major push they give him like he did last time assuming he goes with WWE and assuming they do give him something resembling a major push? Has the WWE never heard of once bitten twice shy?

Sure, they consider that in considering using Brock but the reason they would be willing to work with him is that they are dangerously low on name talent and have done very little to create the next generation of stars.  So, they are forced to go to the past and try to bring back talent from the era when they were doing things properly.  Brock is an established PPV draw for both WWE and UFC.  It would be worth taking a chance on.  Plus, he would get a big push at first and he would be happy during that period.

How do you feel about records/standings being incorporated into the show? I've always thought it would be cool if WWE, TNA, or any organization for that matter to keep wrestlers records and stats and have them be part of the show. This would make title shots make more since and add intrigue in my opinion. I know they've done streaks like Undertaker at Mania and Goldberg and TNA had there poorly executed monthly rankings but I'm talk real stats and standings like a guy is 50-20 and 3-1 verse his current opponent and has 40 wins via pinfall and 20 via submission. Thoughts?

I don't really like it because given the way that they book it will, over time, show you who matters and who doesn't.  It's bad enough when you see a guy lose every week but it's worse when you see he has a record of 15-182.  It would hurt the believability of a match.  Plus, I have no faith that they could or would keep authentic stats.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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