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By Mr. Sykotic on 2011-12-16 09:37:51
Note: Obviously, his name has been changed to protect the innocent, or not so innocent!

I just got back from Chyna's show. The club was packed, hardly any room to move around.

Chyna's first show was at 10 PM and she did a four song set. The last song she danced to was indeed the DX theme.

I'd compare her dancing ability to Hulk Hogan's wrestling ability. She was not too great technically, but able to put on a show and use what she has to entertain to get the crowd to react loudly.

At one point, she pulled another stripper on stage and grinded all over her.

They made sure to mention several times that she is new to this to explain her dancing.

Chyna did a meet and greet afterwards. $20 for a picture with her, $30 for topless pic with her, 2 8x10's for $20 and not sure what the price was for her to sign stuff, I think it was $10. The line to meet her was very long.

She was a very nice person, took time to sit and talk to everyone who came into meet her. She didn't rush anyone at all to leave.

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