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By Dave Scherer on 2011-11-07 09:15:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

As you will probably see, there is a theme today's Q and A.  A lot of people are ticked off at Vince McMahon and what he is doing on Raw.  I will do my best to answer but know this folks, I am as confused and angry as you are.

The Muppets?!?!? Really! I mean WWE is losing ratings by the week and their story lines are getting even weaker. Besides the bit with Sheamus and Beaker why would they do this?

To be fair, they aren't losing ratings by the week.  They were actually down in the 2s a short while ago so they are up from there (not that I am confident they will stay there).  What should send them a message but hasn't yet is that that shows have been so bad that people tune out as they go along.  That is a bad, bad thing for the company.  As for the Muppets, Vince thinks it's more important to be "an entertainment company" and have access to pieces of felt than it is to push one of his biggest shows of the year.  It is mind bogglingly stupid to me too.  That leads me to...

I'm about ten minutes removed from the Halloween Raw and I can't believe that the booking has killed any desire that I have to order Survivor Series in anticipation of the Rock's return to wrestling. Why would anybody, no matter how much they want to see the Rock wrestle, pay to watch that match when Cena just showed he can beat the Miz even after interference on Miz's behalf and then lay out R-Truth with no trouble afterward? Why does he need the Rock? More importantly: why should any fan in their right mind pay for that match? Are they relying on Rock's return popping a buyrate to cover up their crap booking? I know this is more than one question but after doing so much right over the summer, how could they possibly have killed that momentum and then regress to a place that is much worse than they were before then?

To answer your questions in order: You are so right.  Cena, once again, destroyed two guys.  He doesn't need Rock.  People will buy this show ONLY to see Rock.  Yes, they are definitely relying on throwing Rock out there to hide the crap that passes for their booking. They did the way that they always do it, by smiting the fans for liking things that are interesting by giving them crap that one man, Vince McMahon, finds entertaining.  In my opinion, the only people that can say they have been entertained by the last month or two of Raws have extremely easy standards to meet.

John Laurinaitis is a lead character in WWE why?  The guy makes me turn the channel every time he comes on my TV.

I've got nothing.

Have you ever been more embarrassed to be a wrestling fan then on 10/31/2011? I could have sworn I saw a match between Santino and Jack Swagger where a Muppet did a run-in and gave Santino a beaker of blue Muppet energy drink! Maybe I was high on sugar from all the Halloween candy or did that really happen? Was tonight's show written by Eric Bischoff or something.

I have been more embarrassed, like during the HHH-Katie Vick angle.  I was actually sadder last week because a whole staff of a large company put on a product that even someone with an IQ of 75 would have known was a bad idea before it ever happened.

I noticed that HHH and Kevin Nash weren't on the Halloween Raw.  Does that make them the smartest men in wrestling, to avoid that mess?

It sure doesn't make them stupid, that's for sure.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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