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By Mike Johnson on 2011-11-05 10:00:00
What is the main reason as to why Dwayne Johnson is planning to take part in wrestling again for WWE? He has nothing more to prove. That part of his life is over. Now he has become a very successful actor. A second career. Not many can boast that. Why wrestle again? I'm curious. When he returns how will he be announced in matches? Dwayne Johnson or The Rock?

Honestly, Dwayne Johnson is wrestling simply because he can. He's missed the business and is in a position to call his own shots, so he's going to try and give back to the business and have some fun doing so.

Do you expect a future mixed tag match between Jeff Jarrett and his wife Karen against Kaz and his lady Traci Brooks?

Down the line, absolutely. It's pretty elementary to see that one.

Are their plans for TNA (Impact Wrestling) to bring back the six sided ring? I always thought it was a mistake when they did that.

No plans.

I read where Linda McMahon is again running for the senate representing the great state of Connecticut. Will WWE try and not create anything controversial so her opponents cannot use it against her? Easier said than done?

I am certain that WWE will go out of their way to present a clean product while Linda is running again, just like they did the first time around. Now, whether it will help her or not, well, that I am not convinced of.

Are there any plans for any additional ECW reunion shows?

I think the concept has sort of run the course. I don't think anyone beyond myself would get excited about it and I don't see any new ones coming along.

Where can I find Memphis Wrestling DVDs?

The best place to find them is, which has some Best of DVDs.

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