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By Mike Johnson on 2011-11-04 10:00:00

I was wondering, when they calculate the ratings I thought they would include DVR/Tivo  watches within a certain timeframe, perhaps the next 3 days or something like that. If that's the case, how do we have a rating released the next day? You would think that DVR watches should increase a rating.

Nielsen usually releases a +7 rating to include those who watched a show via DVR within a week of the original airing. Anything beyond that is not figured in. The rating that is released the next day is the rating that Nielsen initially releases.

I don't know if I was seeing things but did John cena throw up the kliq sign when he came out instead of doing is normal salute to the fans?

No, he does his usual "OK"-based signal.

I was surprised but pleased to read that the legendary mexican wrestling star Mil Mascaras was selected for induction into the WWE Hall of Fame. A great choice. I grew up watching him. Amazing wrestler. Who else do you see being inducted along with him?

I would think The Rock and Randy Savage would be the primary choices, but we'll see.  If it was up to me, King Kong Bundy, Kevin Sullivan, Dick Murdoch and Adrian Adonis would be going in.

After reading this weeks spoilers for Smackdown, the way they are treating this "walk out" just seem ludicrous. Triple H is the "COO" of the entire company, and Air Boom and Alberto saying they will only be on Smackdown because of this boggles me. It wouldn't matter what show they are on, Triple H still calls the shots as COO. Does WWE really think its viewers would think Triple H can't get to them just because they are on Smackdown?

No, but they hope viewers won't realize that it makes no logical sense.

Before the Monday Night Football game between the Indianapolis Colts and Tampa Bay Buccaneers the image of performer Hank Williams, Jr. was removed due to certain comments toward President Barack Obama. If a wrestler within WWE stated such things would he or she be suspended/fired? What would happen if anything?

I honestly don't know.  I don't see WWE firing someone for airing their political views during an interview, since they could say it's not the character speaking or they could just claim they were trying to get heat.  WWE isn't Disney, which would have gotten a ton of flack for not taking action just because they are supposed to be the family friendly, All American company.


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