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By Mike Johnson on 2011-09-20 11:10:51
Hulk Hogan has been getting ahead of TNA storylines via his Twitter, writing the following on his Twitter about tomorrow's Impact taping in Knoxville, TN:

"Pumped up for the IMPACT tapings in Knoxville tomorrow,the formal ending to my long career,thanks maniacs. HH"

"Huge celebration in Knoxville tomorrow at Civic Collesium ,all full time maniacs are invited,time to thank everyone and say goodbye. HH"

At the tapings last week in Orlando, Hogan claimed his career was done and it was time to formally say goodbye. The announcement was made the day after TNA decided not to go forward with Hogan vs. Sting at the Bound for Glory PPV on 10/16, with discussion of doing a multi-man or tag team bout instead.

So, whatever angle they are planning for the show, they are shooting it tomorrow based on the Hogan retirement tease.

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